Interactive Guide to Licensing AutoPIPE v.11.04 or lower - Step 7a: Select Server and Activation ke

This is a Good sign, almost done !!!

After the Select Server and Site Activation Key has been verified, press the OK button to close the following dialog below: 

And then press OK button to close the dialog below:

Step #1: Products on the Account

Back on the main LMT dialog, select the "Checkout License" tab, indicated below:

Note: Do not check out a license at this time, just View this screen information.

Press F5 and then F9 to refresh and send logs now.

A complete listing of applications currently available for the SELECT server and Site Activation Key settings entered are displayed (see image above).

Confirm the AutoPIPE editions listed on your License Checkout tab ( i.e. AutoPIPE, AutoPIPE Advanced, AutoPIPE Nuclear, Japan KHK2 code)


Reasons Why the application name may be missing from the Product Listing:

A. The SELECTserver has not been updated. Press F9 keyboard key (generally located on the top row of a keyboard), the application is sending log information back to the Bentley hosted server, wait just a moment for the light show to stop. At this point the product listing will be refreshed with the latest SELECTserver information.

B. There are check out restrictions on the SELECTserver for the user and or the application. Please contact your Bentley On-site Admin or Bentley Licensing Department. Only these people have access to the SELECTserver ( ) and will be able to look up and see where the licenses are located and what checkout restriction may be in place.

If you are a Bentley On-Site Admin see more information about "Client Access Restrictions" and  Custom Activation Groups.  

If the License is in use by another, consider increasing your pooled license, contact your Bentley Account Manager for options and pricing.

C. The application is not on your SELECTserver. Bentley On-site Admin should contact Bentley Licensing to confirm applications on your contract, possible problems with the account listing. and / or date contract to expire.

D. A specific product license that was available may have been surrendered by your company back to Bentley, and therefore was remove from the license pool.

Step #2: Refresh Activation Status tab

Next, click on Activation Status tab, as shown below

To update this listing, highlight  all the products in the listing using one of three methods:

Method #1:

Left click the mouse on the first product name, Hold down the "Shift" keyboard key, scroll down to the bottom, and Left click the mouse on the last product at the bottom of the listing.

Method #2:

With the Activation Status tab selected, press and hold the Cntl keyboard key and press A on the keyboard.

Method #3:

Left click the mouse on the column heading "Product"

With all the products highlighted, press the Activate button in the lower right corner of the dialog.

Now all the Status states have been updated per the current Select Server and Site Activation Key settings entered earlier.

Note: See the following WIKI page for

a. Details on each of the Status settings (i.e. Activated, Disabled, Trial expires in XX day(s), Offline - XX day(s) until disabled, etc..)

b. Disconnected Mode

Step #3: Continue

At this point, with the License Checkout tab selected, scroll down under Products to see what AutoPIPE editions are available, leave LMT open, and click the button below:


See Also

Interactive Guide to Licensing

Bentley AutoPIPE