Interactive Guide to Licensing AutoPIPE v.11.04 or lower - Step 6: Enter / Verify Server Name and S

The most important information in LMT is the "Server Name" and "Site Activation Key". Without this information correctly entered, no Bentley application will get a license. Enter / Verify "Server Name" and "Site activation Key"  by using the following steps:

Step #1: With LMT Started, select Tools> Options

The following dialog will appear:

Step #2: Enter / Verify "Server Name" and "Site activation Key" 

1. Enter / Verify the "Server Name:

If your license are Hosted by Bentley , then

Server Name =

If your license are on a Deployed server at your company, then contact your Bentley On-site Admin for assistance.

2. Enter / Verify the "Site Activation Key:"

3. Press the "Test Connection button"

Video to insert Server Name and Activation Key:

Select an image below:

License Management Tool
Server does not support this Activation Key.
License Management Tool
SELECTserver and Activation Key verified.
License Management Tool
An error has occurred while attempting to verify the server and activation key.

See Also

Interactive Guide to Licensing

Bentley AutoPIPE