08. How to install AutoPIPE Vessel CONNECT 41.00 to 42.00?

Applies To
Product(s):AutoPIPE Vessel
Area: Install
Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group
Date Logged
& Current Version
Jan 2019


1. CLOSE ALL APPLICATIONS before starting this installation process.

2. Contact your IT department to be sure that there is no user restrictions for installing software on your computer system. If so, request IT assistance.

The Following procedures assumes:

1. Navigate to the downloaded file (ex. apvs41000006en.exe)

2. Double click on on the *.EXE to start the installation process. 

The following are typical screen shots and responses for a default installation:

Press Next button

Read the EULA agreement enable the check box and then press Install button:

Press Yes button

It may take a few moments for the application to verify minimum requirements are met. If not, the missing windows applications are now being downloaded and installed

Press Next button

Update information on as needed on the 3 lines provided, and press Next button

Press Next button

Press Install button

It may take a few moments for the application to unzip and install the application.

Press Next button

Press Next button

Press Close button

The Readme file will soon appear. Suggest to review each hyperlink for detailed information about this new version. 

A new dialog may appear off to the side, CONNECT Client Sign in. You must Sign in as this will have bearing on Licensing Bentley programs.

AutoPIPE Vessel application has now been installed.

Continue with Installation wizard to license application

See Also

CONTINUE with Licensing AutoPIPE Vessel

Bentley AutoPIPE Vessel

Bentley Select Services Technical Support webpage: