Q. How to model an offset drip pipe in AutoPIPE?

Applies To
Area: modeling
Date Logged
& Current Version
Nov. 2020


How to model an offset drip pipe in AutoPIPE?


Simple, model the header leg on a segment. Be sure to model a node point at the location where the drip pipe will attach to the header pipe. Then create the drip piping as a new segment. Again, be sure insert a node point on the new segment adjacent to the location where the 2 pipes will be connected. Then connect the 2 segments together by using a connected anchor or beam between the 2 node points nearest the intersection point:

Example: connected anchor was added between A05 - B01. Optional - use a rigid beam between A01 - B01

See Also

Modeling Approaches, Tips, Techniques

Bentley AutoPIPE