01. Based on an error message when importing a PCF file into AutoPIPE , how to review and fix a PCF

Applies To
Version(s):2004, XM, V8i, CONNECT;
Area: Import
Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group
Date Logged
& Current Version
Mar. 2016


Based on an error message when importing a PCF file into AutoPIPE ,


How to review and fix a PCF file before importing it?


Option #1:

Open original model in application used to create the PCF file. Confirm everything is connected correctly and that there are no duplicate objects overlapping one another. 

Option #2:

This is a more iterative approach.

1. Open the original PCF file in any text editor application (i.e. Ultra Edit, MS Word, NotePad++, etc..).

2. Save the file as a new file name

(ex. 3.PCF)

3. Using one of the text editor mentioned divided the total number of lines in the file and scroll down to approximate location.

(ex. Total number of lines in an example file has 1655 lines, scroll down to line 822)  

4. Locate the next component down. 

This is easy because most PCF files are formatted where the components start in column #1 and most of the components details are indented (see image above). Based on the image above the next component starts on Line #828. 

5. Select all the lines from this point to the end of the file. 

6. Delete all the selected lines. 

7. Save the file.

8. Try to import this file using the AutoPIPE PCF Translator.

9. Does the model fails to import again, Repeat Steps #2 - #8 again. 

Does the model import successfully without an issue, continue to step #10.

10. Note the line number at the end of the file that was imported with out any issue, Then re-open the file prior to that one which did NOT import into AutoPIPE correctly, note the line number at the end of that. Therefore somewhere between those 2 line number in the older file exists the problem.  Repeat steps #2 - #8 again, narrowing down the line numbers that are causing the problem. 

11. Once the offending components have been identified, 

Option A: Open the original model in the original program and fix it.

Option B: Delete the offending components from the PCF file, finish importing the model into AutoPIPE and fix the problem in AutoPIPE as needed. 

See Also

Issues with Importing *.NTL file

PCF Translator FAQ & troubleshooting

Bentley AutoPIPE