01. "*ERR* IO-07 bad character in input field" message is displayed when using the Build.exe command

Applies To
Environment: N/A
Area: Library
Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group
Date Logged
& Current Version
Aug. 2015


The following message is displayed when creating / modifying a material library in AutoPIPE:


Enter source File name without extension (.src):

ERR* IO-07 bad character in input field

How to avoid and fix?


In one particular case this issue was caused when the person modifying the material library added a new entry in both tables 1 and 2, but did not follow the general format. 

In order to find these mistakes, an original copy of B311-14.SRC was compared to the user's modified version B311mod.src with a computer program (i.e  UltraEdit, Ultra compare, WinMerge, etc..). This process highlighted all the difference between the 2 files.

Note: Suggest using a copy of the original SRC file when making modifications, so comparisons can be reviewed for trouble shooting issues. 

Reason #1:

On lines  5160 and 5190, the fist character is an "*", an astric should only proceed the name of the last material for a given table. Therefore, remove the astric from line 5160, because material on line 5190 is the last material in the table.

This issue occurred in both the Spec Table and Matl Table, Line 2008 also had the "*' removed from the first column on this line.

Reason #2:

No spaces between tables.

When adding a new material at end of the listing in the SPEC table just before the WELD table, an extra blank line was present. Fix by removing blank line (ex. 5220)

Reason #3:

Tab character was used instead of a space. 

Original view:

However, use feature to display spaces, tabs and new line characters as visible characters on the screen.

Noticed that the Tab characters were used instead of spaces. Fix problem by removing tab characters and replacing with appropriate number of spaces (ex. 2 spaces)  to maintain column alignment


After making these 3 fixes to the file it was able to be compiled into a LIB file without any issue.


1. Again, the person modifying the SRC files MUST follow the existing formatting of the file. Basically any mistake made in an SRC file and it will not work (i.e. any extra spaces, extra rows, information pushed into the wrong column, etc..).

2. Again, suggest using a copy of the original file, when making modifications. 

3. Highly suggest not using existing default AutoPIPE library file names for modified LIB files, as  this will only cause problems when the model is opened by a version of AutoPIPE that does not have this modified file. Suggest creating custom file names for modified SRC files. 

See Also

Trouble shooting - Creating / Modifying an AutoPIPE Material Library

Bentley AutoPIPE