02. Model piping held by 2 rigid structural beam supports members in AutoPIPE

Applies To
Version(s):2004, XM, & V8i
Area: Modeling, Support
Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group


How to model piping held by 2 rigid structural supports beam members as shown below:


 Before starting a modeling approach it is important to answer the basic questions:

How does the support function?

What are some assumptions about the support?


There are 2 methods of modeling approach here:

1. Assume that the  pipe support is held Rigidly in place by the structure, but the structure is not model:

a. Model Piping in AutoPIPE with node points where the supports are placed.

b. use the philosophy mention in the following AutoPIPE help section:

          Help > Contents> Contents Tab> Modeling Approaches> Modeling Approaches> Support> Model 3: Rod Support. 


2. Assume that the  pipe support is held in place by the structure, modeling both pipe and support structure:

a. Model Piping in AutoPIPE with node points where the supports are placed.

b. Model Structure in AutoPIPE using Beam Section Properties as per your design from where the structure is attached to the piping surface continuing back to some node points that can be assumed as an anchor location.

c. Attach both incline supports mentioned in the online help for : " Model 3: Rod Support.",  to the beams as shown below. Procedure: Select Pipe node point, press Insert> Support>:

"Support Type" = tie/link,
"Connect to" = specify beam node point
"Weight" = account for the clamp weight by dividing it up among the 2 supports. 1/2 the weight of the coupling steel for each support
"Spring rate" = manual calculation or assume "Rigid"
"Gaps" = 0
"Friction" = for user to decide, low value free to move in the axial direction, high value restricts movement in the axial direction.
"Gap Settings" = Weightless


1. Keep in mind that a pipe and beam/frame are not connected just because they appear connected. Beam / Frame structures are only connected to the piping by 1 of 2 methods:

              a. Specifying a pipe node point as a beam's Point I  or J entry  
              b. Inserting a support on the piping where the "Connect to" = a beam node point. 


d. Insert another beam connecting the 2 angular beams together. The extra horizontal beam (M8) shown in the image above, fulfills the role of the circular clamping steel, as a connection point for the 2 angular beams support and preventing the 2 beams from separating / uniting. 

e. Done.


See Also

Beam Structure modeling

Bentley AutoPIPE