21. Stack Heat Exchanger assembly Weight for AutoPIPE Vessel drawing is wrong. why?

Applies To
Product(s):AutoPIPE Vessel
Date Logged
& Current Version
Jan 2019


For Stack Heat Exchanger; Shell weight is coming on GA drawing in place of Stack Heat Exchanger assembly Weight.  Weight table shows in General Arrangement drawing does not consider the stacking of Heat Exchanger and also does not show the Test weight


This issue has been fixed in AutoPIPE Vessel Update 4 (40.4).

We have added a new block/cell “NHLODA” into the libraries, however this new block/cell is not used in the file “Vueaux.emav”.

The user will have to add this new block/cell with the view manager.


1. Model file: Examples\Vessel Example Models\Horizontal\aes ASME VIII div1.emvd.


2. Calculation result and Drawings about the weights.


 Block/Cell : NHEWEI                        In this table, we have the weight of top vessel ONLY.



3. Calculation result and Drawings about the foundations loads.


Block/Cell : NHLOAH                       In this table, we have the loads of top vessel for every support.


4. New block/cell “NHLODA” for Weights and Loading Data for the whole heat exchanger.

The new block/cell is not used in the file “Vueaux.emav”.

The user will have to add this new block/cell with the view manager.




Select the vessel type:               “Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger”    “Horizontal”   “Stacked”               

Select the desired format:            “A0” or “A1” or

Select the desired sheet:              1 or 2 or ….        

Select the header block name:    “NHLODA”


Block/Cell : NHLODA


5. Documentation about the view manager.


See Also

Drawing - Weight

2D/3D Drawings, CAD Export

AutoPIPE Vessel

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