15. Use TEMA Metric Bolt Root Area (TEMA Table D-5M) from section 9 in an AutoPIPE Vessel model.

Applies To
Product(s):AutoPIPE Vessel
Date Logged
& Current Version
March 2018


How to  add TEMA Metric Bolt Root Area (TEMA Table D-5M) from section 9.


Metric Bolts dimensions are in the file "boltiso.xls" and can be modified if needed (customizable file).

Suggest to create a separate “Config” folder in which you can copy and update the bolt file. To use this specific “Config” folder there are 2 possibilities:

a. copy the folder in the same directory as the EMVD file (the files in this folder will be used in priority).


b. Input the pathname in the “Design Parameter” Tab of “Shell and Tube Exchanger Properties” Dialog.

Thus, you will have a separate table of Metric Bolts that can be used for all models of a same project.

See Also

Modeling techniques for Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers

Bentley AutoPIPE