10. Why are the ASME 2019 - appendix A-2 calculation for Tubesheet with tubes expanded + seal welde

Applies To
Product(s):AutoPIPE Vessel
Date Logged
& Current Version
July 2020


When making calculations of a tubesheet with tubes expanded +  seal welded, the program sets fT = 1 without making calculations by ASME 2019 - appendix A-2. The equations to do it are shone but calculation are not performed, why?


The tube to tubesheet junction doesn’t allow to fill the interface pressures P0 and Pt to calculate fT, then it is equal to 1.

The user must select another tube to tubesheet junction to fill these interface pressures.

See Also

Heat Exchanger - Tube sheet 

AutoPIPE Vessel

Bentley LEARN Server