02. How to install AutoPIPE Vessel from the command line?

Document Information

Document Type: TechNote

Product(s): AutoPIPE Vessel

Version(s): V8i


Some users want to automate the program installation so that it can be performed from the command line instead of via the graphical installer. This is especially useful to system administrators when installing a program on multiple computers. Historically, the products have used InstallShield installers which can be automated using a response file. The future is to migrate these into a WiX installers which are easier to automate.

Unfortunately at this time, AutoPIPE Vessel 33010011en.exe is just a Setup file without MSI support. However, it can be siliently installed using the "Ghost Installer" software.

Silent Install Procedure

1. Download the attached file.

2. Rename the file by changing the *.TXT file extension to *.BAT 

3. Rename apvs33010011en.exe to AutoPIPE_Vessel.exe

>Install_Silent_Mode.bat install Win7

>Install_Silent_Mode.bat uninstall

Note: We are planning to migrate to WIX Installer in the near future.  

See Also:

Download and Installation - Bentley AutoPIPE Vessel

Bentley AutoPIPE Vessel