01. How can I install Bentley AutoPIPE Products (i.e. AutoPIPE, AutoPIPE Vessel, PULS, PlantFLOW) on

Applies To
Product(s):AutoPIPE, AutoPIPE Vessel, PULS, PlantFLOW
Area: installation
Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group
Date Logged
& Current Version
May. 2015


How can I install Bentley AutoPIPE Products(i.. AutoPIPE, AutoPIPE Vessel, PULS, PlantFLOW) on a MacBook or apple computer? 


Currently the installers for all of these products are made for MS Windows operating system only. The following enhancement has been logged:

TFS-E 211731: Add ability to install application on Apple (MacBook) computers. 

Workaround: search online for options for Apple (Macbook) computers to run MS Windows OS based applications (i.e emulator, emulation layer, etc..). 

Note: These applications have not been tested to run on Apple (MacBook) computers and therefore cannot  be supported. 

See Also:

Download and Installation - Bentley AutoPIPE Vessel

Bentley AutoPIPE Vessel