05. ASME VIII Div1 Chapter UHX (Design of Tubesheets) Documentation Showing AutoPIPE Vessel Meets AS

Applies To
Product(s):AutoPIPE Vessel
Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group
Date Logged
& Current Version
Nov 2016


Is there any documentation for the ASME VIII div1 chapter UHX (design of tubesheets) to show that the software meet the rules as per ASME PTB-4?


Verification is done in the validation document for ASME (see WIKI here for Validation / QA documents)

As of March 2020, AutoPIPE Vessel is covered under ASME PTB-4 2013. The program and supplemental documentation will be updated in a timely manner as new versions of this code are released.

Additional validation information related to ASME PTB-4 2013.PDF document can be found in “ASME PTB-4-2013 ASME Section VIII Division 1 Example Problem Manual”.

See Also:

AutoPIPE Vessel Certificate and Verification Documents

Bentley AutoPIPE