03 円を配置する方法



Option Explicit

Sub Main()
    Dim ellipseElement As ellipseElement
    Dim pt(3) As Point3d
    pt(0).X = 0
    pt(0).Y = 0
    pt(0).Z = 0
    pt(1).X = 200
    pt(1).Y = 200
    pt(1).Z = 0
    pt(2).X = 400
    pt(2).Y = 0
    pt(2).Z = 0
    Set ellipseElement = CreateEllipseElement1(Nothing, pt(0), pt(1), pt(2))
    ActiveModelReference.AddElement ellipseElement
End Sub



Set EllipseElement = object.CreateEllipseElement1 (Template, PerimeterPoint1, PerimeterPoint2, PerimeterPoint3 [, FillMode])

object A valid object.
Template An Element expression. An existing element whose settings are used to initialize the new element. If Nothing, the new element's settings are initialized from MicroStation's active settings.
PerimeterPoint1 A Point3d expression. A point on the perimeter.
PerimeterPoint2 A Point3d expression. A point on the perimeter.
PerimeterPoint3 A Point3d expression. A point on the perimeter.
FillMode Optional. An MsdFillMode expression. Indicates whether the element is filled. If the value is not specified or it is msdFillModeUseActive, MicroStation's active fill mode is used.