Q. How to check CONNECTION Client for updated software?

Applies To
Area: Software
Date Logged
& Current Version
May 2019


How to check CONNECTION Client for updated software?


Use the following instructions:

1. Open CONNECTION Client

2. Select the Gear button in the top right corner and select Preference.

3. A dialog will appear, choose Updates from the top. This will show your current settings. Suggest mirroring the following settings here:


4. Regardless of current setting, press Check Now button. IF an update was available, a smaller dialog would have appeared with the number of updates found. Otherwise it would indicate 0 updates found.

Press OK to continue.

5. Press Close button on CONNECTION Client Preferences dialog and go back to the main application screen.

6. Install Update - click here

See Also

Manually download and install Connection Client 

Connection Client

Bentley AutoPIPE