03. Download, Install, and License AutoPIPE CONNECT 10.xx.xx.xx


How to Download, Install, License, and Update AutoPIPE CONNECT 10.xx.xx.xx?


Step #1: Download AutoPIPE software:

Software Fulfillment Download Procedure

Step #2: Install AutoPIPE 

Commercial versionQA Version

Step #3: Set-up Licensing

Product Activation, Set-up Licensing Manually

Step #4: Start AutoPIPE

1. Start AutoPIPE by double clicking on the desktop icon or from the Start Menu> Bentley Engineering>  AutoPIPE Connect

2. The following windows will now appear on screen: 

a. AutoPIPE application window:

b. Input grids window:

c. Bentley AutoPIPE News feed (default setting): 

Note: On the Bentley AutoPIPE News Feed, recommend pressing Settings button, then place a check mark for Bentley AutoPIPE & Bentley Releases.

d. Welcome to AutoPIPE Licensing (default setting = Demo), Select an edition to license:

Note: On the Welcome to AutoPIPE Licensing screen, press the radio button in front of the type of AutoPIPE edition to be used (i.e  Standard, Advanced, or Nuclear)

+++important+++ Suggest only select editions displayed in LMT and press OK button. Otherwise you may log over-usage.


Press OK button to continue.

If the program reverts to TRIAL mode or DEMO mode click here.

Note: If your license contract has the add features, KHK 2 Add-on, you can also select that radio buttons in addition to the AutoPIPE version radio button.

After pressing OK button, the application will look at LMT, checks available license for the product selected.  If available, the application will be licensed and ready to be use.

To verify the application has a valid license, the top application bar will have one of the following:

HOWEVER, if a valid license was not available, the application will revert to DEMO mode, as indicated by:

If revert to demo,

See interactive guide to Licensing here.


1. Can see thru the application to the  desktop:

Fix: Please try the following suggestions (#3 fixes most occurrences):

a. Does the computer meet the minimum requirements? See help> Contents> Bentley AutoPIPE> Getting Started> Installation andAuthorization> Installation> System requirements

b. Change hardware acceleration inside AutoPIPE, View> Setting> Uncheck Enable hardware acceleration.

c. Change computer display properties:

If running:

WinXP :

Change computer display properties: Control Panel> Display> Settings tab> Advanced button> Troubleshoot Tab> select hardware acceleration = none. Then try to open a model in AutoPIPE.


1. Choose Start > Control Panel.

2. Double click Personalization and select Display Settings.

3. Click Advanced Settings.

4. Click Change Settings on the Troubleshooting tab.

5. Move the Hardware Acceleration slider to None.

6. Click Apply and then click OK to accept the new setting and close the dialog box.

7.Click OK to close the Display Properties dialog box

If the dialog is grayed out, your video card will not let you change the setting, contact your graphic card manufacture and request a procedure to disable graphic acceleration update graphics card driver.

d. Does the computer meet the minimum requirements? See help> Contents> Bentley AutoPIPE> Getting Started> Installation and Authorization> Installation> System requirements

e. Change hardware acceleration inside AutoPIPE, View> Setting> Uncheck Enable hardware acceleration.

f. Change computer display properties: Control Panel> Display> Settings tab> Advanced button> Troubleshoot Tab> select hardware acceleration = none.

g. Control Panel> Display> Appearance> Effects> "Use transition effects for menus and tooltips " should be unchecked

h. Update computer’s OPENGL display drivers.

i. Disable virus protection or document management applications, and then try to run the program. Some software are reporting high CPU usage on PCs running windows.

2. Application Crashes on start-up

A. When you receive the following message:

“AutoPIPE application has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.”

The error also indicates that further details about the error can be obtained by clicking a link. Clicking the link displays an error report that lists atioglx.dll as the offending library. This library is used by ATI graphics card.

Solution: Upgrading the graphics driver or reducing the graphics card hardware acceleration. See  “Change computer display properties” above.

3. Visual Fortan run-time error; forrtl: sever (9) permission to access file denied

During installation or while using the application the following error appears:


The problem with reading/writing this file can be caused by

a. User having no access to this folder (folder is read only)

b. File is read only, check file properties

c. No disk space on drive C: where temp folder is located

d. Change settings in the antivirus to exclude AutoPIPE and also .UND files.

See Also

How do I download, install, and license AutoPIPE?

Bentley AutoPIPE