07. CONNECT, CLOUD, and Go To CONNECTION Center issues with AutoPIPE:

  1. CONNECTION Center Overview

  2. Bentley Cloud Services Overview

  3. Bentley Cloud and Web Services Support Solutions

  4. When selecting Go To CONNECTION Center / Portal get a blank screen, why?

  5. Problems with Bentley CONNECTION, Please log a Bentley Service Request, Queue = Bentley Cloud and Web Services
    Also, for login issues, please refer to the following forum post here to ensure that the latest CONNECTION Client is installed.

  6. Connected User Initiative - all users to register: click here.

      Effective November 2017, all Bentley users must be registered to access Bentley applications or cloud services from a specific device. 
    1. If problem select "Need Help - Contact Us" on link above.
    2. Bentley On-site Admin and Co-Admin can run the following report on the SELECT Server portal

      Home >> Reports >> Inventory Reports >> Client Authentication by Site 

      This will show which computers / user that have been registered and those who have not. 
  7. Can AutoPIPE be installed on computer with Cetrix Server?
  8. The following appears when i try to log in, why?

    1. download and install the newest version of Connection Client. OR, call Bentley Licensing department and ask to be transferred to QI3TSGCONNECT who can help resolve this issue. 
  9. Which ports and domains must be enabled for proper communication with the Deployed or Hosterd Server
  10. Which domains does the CONNECTION Client access?
  11. What domains are accessed by CONNECT Advisor?

Note:User have the ability to turn off Connection Client: from with In AutoPIPE CONNECT v10.0 and higher, on the top tool bar select the button that has a name and a picture of a person, on this button Select Sign OUT. The project selection will appear when Bentley Connection is SIGNed In.

See Also

Licensing - AutoPIPE

Bentley AutoPIPE