AutoPIPE CONNECT Readme File (

Note: download  these release notes using this link here

What is New & Changed in AutoPIPE®

The following outline identifies new features and enhancements in the AutoPIPE CONNECT Edition version 10.0.0.

 [Technology Preview]

Technology Previews provide users preliminary access to features currently in development but not yet ready for production. These features are provided at no additional charge to promote awareness of a feature or technology to be deployed in a future release. Users are encouraged to provide feedback and suggestions. To learn more about Technology Previews or to gain access, please create a Service Request (be sure to include "Technology Preview" in the Description field).

AutoPIPE®  Requirements

More detailed installation information can be found in the AutoPIPE Quick Start Guide.

Product Version


Installation Requirements

CD drive or access to the Internet required for product installation. The minimum system configuration for installation:

Operating SystemMicrosoft Windows 7 Professional or higher
Microsoft Windows 8 Professional or higher
32 or 64 bit OS

When installing the product through the installer program, the required components will be installed automatically. The contents of the Desktop Prerequisite Pack include:

Minimum Profile

The minimum recommended workstation profile for running AutoPIPE is:

ProcessorIntel Pentium IV or higher.
Memory512 MB recommended. More memory almost always improves performance, particularly when working with larger models.
Hard Disk500 MB free disk space.
Video Graphics CardAny industry-standard video card which supports OpenGL 3D graphics.
ProjectWiseProjectWise Server 10.0.0 with ProjectWise Explorer or higher, ProjectWise Server 8.11.7 with ProjectWise Explorer or higher, ProjectWise Server 8.11.9 with ProjectWise Explorer 8.11.9, ProjectWise Server 8.11.11 with ProjectWise Explorer 8.11.11.
PDF ReaderAdobe® Acrobat Reader 7.0 or greater

Download and Installation

To download the products, create a MySELECT CD or to complete the licensing process, you must have the appropriate roles assigned by your Site Administrator. If you have not been assigned these roles, you will need to obtain the name of your Site Administrator by submitting a Service Request at

If you are experiencing problems logging into your Bentley account, please contact bentley at 1-800-BENTLEY (1-800-236-8539). Outside the United States +1 610-458-5000.

With the appropriate privileges you can obtain the software as an electronic file from Web Downloads or the products may be ordered on a personal CD through MySELECT CD. Once you have installed the desired product you will need to complete the product authorization process by obtaining a license file from Bentley.

SELECT Services Online / MySELECT CD: To install from the CD, locate and run the setup.exe file and follow the online instructions.

The installation program will guide you through the process, prompting you for information when required.

If you are upgrading from an earlier version of the application, it is highly recommended that you do not install this product over the previous version.

NOTE:This is a standalone installation, no other previous installed product version is required.

Downloading the files from SELECT Services Online/Download- the download process gives you a choice to save the file to a specified location, or to begin the installation from the download area.

Network Considerations- Network drives are only supported for data files.

See the AutoPIPE Quick Start Guide (..\Documents\Quickstart_AutoPIPE.pdf) for more information on downloading and installing AutoPIPE. 

Applications Included in the Installation Package

AutoPIPE Standard, AutoPIPE Advanced, AutoPIPE Nuclear, and add-ons are installed from one executable.

NOTE: For further information on translators, please refer to their respective readme files. 

AutoPIPE Functionality for QA Approvals

QA Reporting Notices

The user document numbers which correspond to this release are:

DAA037360-1/0001 - "Tutorial"

The "Acceptance Test Set" document number which corresponds to this release is:


Error reports are available with client participation in the "QA & Reporting" services. Monthly error reports, open error summary lists, and details of errors corrected through respective software releases are posted as PDF or spreadsheet documents to a private QA&R Community under the Bentley Communities website:

Note: The old error reports page will cease to exist under

Frequently asked questions

Question 1: How do I get access to the QA&R error reports?

Answer: QA&R error reports are available on a private QA&R Community under the Bentley Communities website: QA&R subscription is required to access the QA&R error reports.

Question 2: My organization has QA&R subscription. Why I cannot access the QA&R error reports?

Answer: Access to QA&R error reports is available to the person(s) nominated to receive monthly error report notifications, by respective organizations, as listed on form 6-1-2: Contact Personnel for "QA & Reporting" Subscriptions. 


Program Help: Detailed feature information may be accessed directly from the calling application by selecting the Help command, or by pressing the Help button from any of the application dialogs. Be sure to explore the program Help for answers to your questions.

Tutorials: Documentation for AutoPIPE applications is provided online in the Adobe.pdf format. These files are accessible from the Help Menu. All documents can be browsed, searched, or printed with the Adobe Acrobat Reader. Information and how to download a FREE copy of the Adobe Acrobat Reader can be obtained from

It is highly recommended that you obtain the latest version of the Adobe Acrobat Reader.

If you do not have access to the World Wide Web, please contact us so we can provide you with the necessary files for using the Adobe Acrobat Reader. 

Piping Codes

This sections contains the list of piping codes, code editions supported and AutoPIPE license edition (Standard, Advanced or Nuclear) for which these items are supported.

Standard Edition Piping Codes

Piping CodeDescriptionEditions
B31.1 PowerPower Piping1967, 1986, 1992, 2004, 2005 Addenda, 2007, 2009 Addenda, 2010, 2012, 2014
B31.3 Process PipingProcess Piping2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014
B31.4 Liquid Trans.Liquid Transportation Systems for Hydrocarbons, Liquid Petroleum Gas, Anhydrous Ammonia and Alcohols2006, 2009, 2012
B31.8 Gas Trans. & Dist.Gas Transmission and Distribution Piping Systems2003, 2007, 2010, 2012, 2014
EN 13480European Piping Code for Metallic Industrial Piping2002, 2010 Addenda, 2012
GeneralGeneral Piping CodeNot Required

Extra Codes Available in AutoPIPE Advanced Edition

AutoPIPE Advanced includes all codes available in AutoPIPE Standard, as well as the following codes.

Piping CodeDescriptionEditions
CSA-Z662Canadian Standards Association, Oil and Gas Pipeline System1999, 2007, 2011, 2015
CSA-Z662 OffshoreCanadian Standards Association, Offshore Steel Pipelines1999, 2007, 2011, 2015
BS 806Design and Construction of Ferrous Piping Installations for and in Connection with Land Boilers1993
BS 7159Design and Construction of Glass Reinforced Plastics (GRP) Piping Systems for Individual Plants or Sites1989
SPC-2Swedish Piping Code, Method 21978
TBK5-6General Rules for Piping, The Norwegian Pressure Vessel Committee1990
STOOMWEZENDutch Piping Rule D1101 of the Rules for Pressure Vessels1978
DNV OffshoreDet Norske Veritas, Rules for Submarine Pipelines1981, 2012
MITI 501 3-1980MITI 501 Class III Piping Code1980
KHKKHK E 012 Piping Code, Seismic Level 1 or 2 (Seismic Level 2 requires a KHK 2 Add-On license)2006
RCC-MFrench Piping Code for Power Industry1985
SNCTFrench Piping Code for Process Industry1985
SNIP Russian 2.05.06-85 Oil & GasRussian SNIP piping code for oil and gas1997
ISO 14692Petroleum and Natural Gas Industries - Glass Reinforced Plastics (GRP) Piping2002+2005 addenda

Extra Codes Available in AutoPIPE Nuclear Edition

AutoPIPE Nuclear includes all codes available in AutoPIPE Standard and AutoPIPE Advanced, as well as the following codes.

Piping CodeDescriptionEditions
ASME NB NuclearBoiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Rules for Construction of Nuclear Power Plant Components; Division 1, Subsection NC, Class 1 Components1972 W Addenda, 1975 W Addenda, 1977, 1982 W Addenda, 1983 W Addenda, 1988 Addenda, 1989, 1989 Addenda, 1993 Addenda, 1994 Addenda, 1997 Addenda, 1998, 2001, 2004, 2007, 2008 Addenda, 2010, 2011 Addenda, 2013
ASME NC NuclearBoiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Rules for Construction of Nuclear Power Plant Components; Division 1, Subsection NC, Class 2 Components1972 W Addenda, 1975 W Addenda, 1977, 1980 S Addenda, 1983 W Addenda, 1988 Addenda, 1989, 1989 Addenda, 1993 Addenda, 1994 Addenda, 1997 Addenda, 1998, 2001, 2003 Addenda, 2004, 2007, 2008 Addenda, 2010, 2011 Addenda, 2013
ASME ND NuclearBoiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Rules for Construction of Nuclear Power Plant Components; Division 1, Subsection ND, Class 3 Components1972 W Addenda, 1975 W Addenda, 1977, 1980 S Addenda, 1983 W Addenda, 1988 Addenda, 1989, 1989 Addenda, 1993 Addenda, 1994 Addenda, 1997 Addenda, 1998, 2001, 2003 Addenda, 2004, 2007, 2008 Addenda, 2010, 2011 Addenda, 2013
JSME PPC NuclearJSME S NC1: Rules on Design and Construction for Nuclear Power Plants, Class 2 Piping2005, 2008

How to Activate AutoPIPE® 

AutoPIPE Standard, AutoPIPE Advanced, AutoPIPE Nuclear, and add-ons are are all supported on the SELECT Server Licensing. If you are upgrading from an earlier version of the product, it is highly recommended that you do not install this product over the previous version. Older versions of AutoPIPE 6.3, 8.50, 8.51 and 8.60 will run under SELECT Server XM Licensing using the SELECT Server XM Gateway Service and the older SELECT licenses. For more information on the SELECT Server XM Gateway Service see the AutoPIPE Quick Start Guide.

The AutoPIPE products can be authorized as Standalone Licenses (formerly called Fixed Licenses), fixed to one user workstation or as Concurrent Licenses (formerly known as Floating Licenses) running from a local or Bentley hosted SELECT Server.

Users who have existing Floating Licenses and wish to convert the licenses to run on SELECT Server can contact Bentley Sales Support Center from the website at The following information is required when requesting SELECT Server licensing: Server Name, email address of the recipient of the SELECT Server license and the Serial Numbers to be added to the server.

Product activation is achieved by connecting to a SELECT Server, receiving a verification that your SELECT Server Name and Activation Key are correct, and successfully posting Usage logs. Product activation is not the same as checking out a license. This document describes how to configure AutoPIPE for activation. After initial configuration, AutoPIPE automatically and transparently tries to activate each time it runs, and runs unconstrained for a period of 30 days after its last successful activation. However, if activation is unsuccessful for a period of 30 days, AutoPIPE will not start until it is activated again.

Activating a product using the Product Activation Wizard

The Product Activation Wizard is designed to step users through the product activation process. After a product is installed, you must obtain a license and then activate that license. Obtaining the license alone is not enough to complete the process. This wizard eliminates the confusion and makes it clear that obtaining a license and activating a product are two essential steps.

The Product Activation Wizard opens automatically (unless the "Activate product using Bentley License Tool" check box is turned off) at the end of the product installation process. See the AutoPIPE Quick Start Guide for more information on installing AutoPIPE.

The first screen of the Product Activation Wizard offers four product activation options:

The wizard steps you through the activation process based on the options selected.

SELECT subscribers with a deployed (local) SELECT Server

If you are activating against a local SELECT Server, you must provide the proper Server Name and Activation Key. The Server Name and Activation Key, along with any proxy configuration information, can be obtained from your Site Administrator.

SELECT subscribers activating against a hosted (Bentley) SELECT Server

If you are activating against a hosted (Bentley) SELECT Server, the Server Name is pre-populated but you must provide the proper Activation Key provided by the Bentley Sales Support Center.


If you are not a Bentley SELECT subscriber and you are activating AutoPIPE, you are presented with three options:

I have a license file ready to import

    1. Enter the path to your license file (or Browse to the location of your license file) in the License File field.
    2. Click Next. The Wizard Selections dialog box displays the information provided on the previous dialog boxes.
    3. Review the information and click Finish to activate the product.

I have an activation key

    1. Enter the site activation key in the Site Activation Key field.
    2. If you are using HTTPS, enable the HTTPS (SSL) check box.
    3. If you are using a Proxy server to connect to the hosted SELECT Server, click the Proxy button and fill in the Proxy Server information then click OK.
    4. Click Test Connection to verify the connection to the SELECT Server.
    5. Click Next. The Check out license now? page displays.
    6. Enter your Email address in the Email Address field.
    7. Select the product to be activated (if not pre-populated) it the Product Name field.
    8. Enter the product version number (if not pre-populated) in the Product Version field.
    9. Click Next. The Wizard Selections dialog box displays the information provided on the previous dialog boxes.
    10. Review the information and click Finish to activate the product.

I do not have any license information

    1. The product will run in evaluation mode.
    2. Click Go To to request activation information.

Evaluation Only - No license information

    1. The product will run in evaluation mode.
    2. Click Go To to request activation information.

Error History

AutoPIPE v10.0.0

The following outline identifies all major errors in Release of AutoPIPE v10.0.0.

AutoPIPE v9.6.2

The following outline identifies all major errors in Release of AutoPIPE v9.6.2.



Bentley, the "B" logo, AutoPIPE, MicroStation, ProjectWise, SELECT, and MDL are either registered or unregistered trademarks or service marks of Bentley Systems, Incorporated, or one of its direct or indirect wholly-owned subsidiaries. Other brands and product names are trademarks of their respective owners.


© 2015, Bentley Systems, Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.

Including software, file formats, and audiovisual displays; may only be used pursuant to applicable software license agreement; contains confidential and proprietary information of Bentley Systems, Incorporated and/or third parties which is protected by copyright and trade secret law and may not be provided or otherwise made available without proper authorization.

Complete copyright information can be found in the product by choosing Help > About.

For reference, a copy of the End User License Agreement named "EULA.pdf" is included in the "AutoPIPE V8i SELECTseries5" folder of the product installation. By default, this location is "C:\Bentley\AutoPIPE V8i SELECTseries5".

Corporate Headquarters

Bentley Systems, Incorporated
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Exton, PA 19341-0678 USA
Phone: (1) 610 458-5000
FAX: (1) 610 458-1060

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Asia Headquarters

Bentley Engineering Software Systems
Unit 1402-06, Tower 1
China Central Place, Beijing 100022
Phone: (86) 10 5929 7000
FAX: (86) 10 5929 7001

See Also

AutoPIPE CONNECT Release Notes (10.00.xx.xx - higher)

How do I download, install, and license AutoPIPE?

Bentley AutoPIPE