When storing models on a network drive, sending models to others through an email, renaming file extensions, files created by some other software, etc., how can one tell if a specific *.DAT file is an valid AutoPIPE file. Easy, perform this simple check.
Note: A DAT file is a binary file. Specific software must be used in order to read all the information in the file. However, a normal text editor can read a portion of the file to clearly indicate if the file was created by AutoPIPE.
1. Open the DAT file any text editor (Notepad++, Ultra edit, etc..).
Example: Open walkthru.dat (located in AutoPIPE example folder)
2. Look at the available information. An AutoPIPE file will have bits and pieces like :
a. File name at the beginning (ex. Walkthru.dat, indicated above)
b. Units file name (ex. AutoPIPE)
c. Point names (ex. A06)
d. etc
This gives some confidence that the file is a valid AutoPIPE model file.
If a file does not contained any tangible information, it would be more than likely that the file is not a valid AutoPIPE model.
Example: File name = Piping.DAT
Conclusion: determined not to be a valid AutoPIPE DAT file