06. Right click Pan-Zoom-Rotate command does not function correctly and single line view shows compo

Applies To
Area: Rotate
Date Logged
& Current Version
Nov 2019


The model will be difficult, if not impossible, to rotate or pan when using right mouse click commands. In addition, the graphics shows components that appear to be disconnected:



First, check your coordinates of the node point in question to see what they are currently values.

Step #1: Place cursor on the node point in question

Step #2: Press Keyboard F3 button for details about that one node point. 


Note, AutoPIPE has know limitations (click here) that must be adhered to when modeling.. Models that violate these current limits will exhibit strange behavior with commands not working as designed, graphics not appearing correctly, and results that should not be trusted. Always use AutoPIPE within these limits. 

Next, one must know how this model was created, from scratch or starting a new model with user input, components copy/pasted into the current model, imported from file generated by another program, etc...

In this case, from the screen shot above the coordinates exceed the current limit of the program. When asked the model was imported from a PCF file. Upon inspection of the PCF file coordinates were found to exceed the current limitations indicated above. 


Consider one of the following Workarounds:

1. Reduce the size of the coordinates to be within the limits of AutoPIPE before exporting a file from an application to be used by AutoPIPE

(ex. reduce the coordinates in Cadworx before exporting a PCF file to be used by AutoPIPE's PCF translator).


2. Manually open the file to be imported into AutoPIPE by any text editor, use Find / Replace to truncate the coordinates to be within the limits of the program.

(ex.Open CADworx generated PCF file in a text editor, look at the coordinates and determine number of digits to be truncated so not to affect the actual piping layout. In this example, truncate "1282" and "13008":


3. After opening model in AutoPIPE, move the entire model closer to 0,0,0.

After the model appears in AutoPIPE open the input grids and locate the first node point. Identify the global coordinates (X,Y, Z). Select everything in the model, use move command to relocate closer to X=0, Y=0, Z=0. 


Found that the first node point in the model had the following coordinates: X= 987654321, Y = 999999999, Z= 123456789. 

Select everything in the model, start move command, specify the opposite values (shown below) to move everything closer to 0,0,0.

See Also


Bentley AutoPIPE