N734-200: Cannot display all point data...note message appears in AutoPIPE, why?

Applies To
Area: Note Message
Date Logged
& Current Version
May. 2020


The following note message appears in AutoPIPE:

N734-200: Cannot display all point data due to dialog size limits

Why and how to avoid it?


This is nothing more than a message to the user that dialog is too small to display all of the data. Best to select the node point and print out a complete model input listing using the report feature "Limit reports to highlighted points"

Example Steps to repeat:

1. Open a model

2. At a run node point insert segment Line number and 6 supports.

3. Press F3, the dialog above will appear. 

Again this is to let the user know that not all data can be presented on this dialog due to limited space.

See Also

"Note" Messages in AutoPIPE

Bentley AutoPIPE