N13-61: Code material cold and hot properties are updated...message appears in AutoPIPE, why?

Applies To
Date Logged
& Current Version
May 2019


The following appears when importing / opening a model in AutoPIPE:

N13-61:   Code material cold and hot properties are updated. 

why and how to avoid it?


This is a note message and not an error, just a message to inform the user of important information. In this case, by performing an action in AutoPIPE the Code material cold and hot properties are being updated. 

Question: What exactly does it mean "properties are updated"?

Answer: Model file sizes would be very large if they contained all the information of all the components, materials, units, etc..available in AutoPIPE. Instead only selected items from libraries are copied into the model's compiled database file (*.DAT). When "properties are updated", data from external files or libraries and saved / updated into the model's database. 


On the General Model Options dialog,  users selects a Material library from an dropdown listing of available options. Each of these options is actually an external file that contains the standard and code material property information. With each new PipeID added into a model, the user must select a Material. Again, only the pertinent information for that material is copied from the external file into the model's internal database. This information is stored and used by the application as needed. That internal information is not changed or updated unless performing a command (i.e. changing Material Library or Amb Temperature) that requires the program to reload / update the existing library information. 

See Also

"Note" Messages in AutoPIPE

Bentley AutoPIPE