Incoming and Outgoing package lists’ view has been updated in Deliverables Management Portal. You can now choose to filter each column in the view separately, allowing more granular search.
On the right-hand side of the page, there is an option to add or remove columns from the view.
All the filtering, sorting and search values are preserved when navigating to and from packages until the browser window is closed.
You can now forward an Incoming general correspondence for additional feedback. When you forward a general correspondence, a new correspondence draft is created using the original general correspondence as a template. Once correspondence is forwarded a new communication thread is created. If there is a need to continue conversation on a forwarded general correspondence the usual Reply to the message option should be used from within outgoing general correspondence.
Responses you receive regarding a forwarded general correspondence can be copied and incorporated into your response to the original correspondence. You can choose to copy one or more responses from the forwarded correspondence thread.
If you are using multiple products for your communication workflows, or only want to use specific package type – you can choose which package types should be visible for your users to use in Deliverables Management Portal. When package creation option is disabled – the specific package type will not be available for selection in the Portal “New” button.
You can enable or disable specific package type creation options in Deliverables Management Settings > Package types section.
Note, this does not prevent users within this project from receiving or responding to this type of package. In addition, the package creation option will still be available in Deliverables Management connector for ProjectWise Explorer.
The author of a General Correspondence can now mark the correspondence as confidential. This ensures that confidential information (commercially confidential, highly sensitive, or private data) is accessible only to the people authorized to view it. Confidential packages will only be accessible to the package author, issuer, recipients, and administrators. All other team members will only see the package title and ID.
You mark a general correspondence as confidential by turning on the setting "Confidential data included" on either the General tab or the Recipients tab of the correspondence draft.
General Correspondence that are marked as confidential will have a shield icon on top of the normal package icon.
In a related change, the administrator can now turn on the “Confidential” setting as needed in each general correspondence package type in the portal settings, so that creating a new draft of confidential correspondence type (with this setting on) automatically marks that correspondence as confidential.
Note, confidential general correspondence creation and viewing is not available in Deliverables Management connector for ProjectWise Explorer yet.
You can connect your project with an AssetWise repository in Deliverables Management Portal Storage Settings.
Once connected you will be able to add AssetWise objects (documents, projects, locations, tags) to any of your General Correspondence attribute list.
After the setup, AssetWise objects will be available for selection in the General Correspondence draft.
From now on if Deliverables Management project contains high numbers of packages and/ or package recipients, not all of the items will be displayed in Deliverables Management connector for ProjectWise Explorer. This change was introduced to avoid memory shortage problems.
There is no specific number of packages that will be displayed per project. The count differs depending on the data that was sent through, or received in Deliverables Management. E.g. If a list contains packages with 5 recipients each, approximately 8000 package will be loaded in the list. If there are more recipients per package the number of visible items will lessen.
Note, all packages will still be available for viewing and searching in Deliverables Management Portal.
If transmittal or RFI package has been sent to multiple organizations (projects), using submittal or Incoming RFI export function will generate an excel report that will now include not only project team members' but also external organizations' recipient and response information.
Note, the external organizations' recipient and response information will only be exported for submittals that have been sent with enhanced response visibility setting on.