Internal project participants who have the Issue package permission can create and issue RFIs from this project. Internal project participants who do not have this permission can still create draft RFIs, they just cannot issue them. Instead, those participants can send their draft RFIs for review to a participant who does have the Issue package permission.
If you save a draft of the RFI before you issue it, the RFI is saved to the Drafts folder. After issuing an RFI, it is moved to the folder where you can view progress and responses.
Upon issuing the RFI, an email notification is sent to each recipient, informing them that an RFI has been sent to them. The recipient can then click one of the links provided in the email to retrieve the item either from the ProjectWise Deliverables Management portal, or from ProjectWise Explorer if they have ProjectWise Explorer and the ProjectWise Deliverables Management connector for ProjectWise Explorer installed.
RFIs sent to you from other organizations are found under the Incoming tab.
The general workflow for the user receiving an RFI is this:
Users can also:
Generally speaking, if you need to collect input from internal users, you add them as additional responders to the original RFI, and if you need to collect input from external users, you forward them the RFI. When you send your final response to the RFI you can collect any internal and external responses and then include them along with your response.
More information about managing RFIs can be found here:
Sending RFIs
Managing Incoming RFIs