09c. How to update PCF Translator Material Library listing with a new AutoPIPE User Material Library

Applies To
Area: Import
Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group
Date Logged
& Current Version
Dec 2019


How to update PCF Translator Material Library listing with a new AutoPIPE User Material Library?


After selecting a "Piping Code" on the PCF translator, the "Edition:" and "Material Library:" fields are automatically populated with default values. The user is able to modify these items as needed. However, the "Edition:" and the "Material Library:" drop down listings are filtered based on the "Piping Code" selection. If "Show All Material Libraries" is enabled, than the "Material Library:" drop down listings will show all the available selection options.

In order to add a new item to the filtered "Edition" and "Material Library" drop down listing perform the following:

1. Open PCFinUI.XML file using any text editor (ex. Ultra Edit, NotePad ++, etc..) 

Note: PCFinUI.XML file is located in the same location as PCFin.MAP file above

This file has essentially 3 different sections:  

a. Piping Code Collection (broken into 27 subsections, 1 for each piping code in AutoPIPE)

b. Material Library Collection

c. Component Library Collection

The user will be responsible for modifying the first 2 sections. 

2. Decide what AutoPIPE Piping Code that the Material library being added will be used for (example: B313new will be used when AutoPIPE model Piping code = ASME B31.3 2016)

3. Search file for that specific Piping Code (ex. "B31.3") and go to the first line that contains the "Search for" criteria (ex. Line 72)


Line 73: Default Material library = B313-16 when Piping code = B31.3 Process

Line 74: Default Component = AutoPIPE when Piping code = B31.3 Process

Line 75: Default information "B31.3" written to the NTL file (CTL card) generated by the PCF translator when Piping code = B31.3 Process

Line 76: Default Edition = 2016 when selecting Piping code = B31.3 Process

Line 79: Edition drop down listing filtered to Year (ex. 2004)

Line 80: If Edition = 2004, 2004 text will be written to the NTL file (CTL card) generated by the PCF translator.

Line 81: If Piping code = B31.3 process and Edition = 2004, then default Material Library = B313-04 and will be written to the NTL file (CTL card) generated by the PCF translator

4. Scroll down to the last Codeyear available for that specific Piping code (ex. 2016, on line 109).


5. Copy lines from <CodeYear> to ,</CodeYear> (ex. Lines 108 to 112).

6. Paste to next line (ex. creating lines 113 to 117)

7. Update newly pasted lines with information about the new AutoPIPE Material Library to be added. 


Line 114: New entry cannot match existing entries above, must be unique, In this example, the new AutoPIPE Material Library should be filtered with ASME B31.3 - 2016, therefore used "2016new". 

Line 115: Code year (ex. 2016) written to NTL file when new Material Library (ex. B313new) is selected.

Line 116: Name of new AutoPIPE Material Library (ex. B313new) to be added to the drop down listing and written to the NTL file 

8. Update <MaterialLibraryCollection> section of the file, 

a. Search PCFinUI.XML file for <MaterialLibraryCollection> and go to that location in the file.

b. Just below "<MaterialLibraryCollection>" is the PCF translator drop down listing of the various AutoPIPE Material Libraries. Go to any location in the listing, copy an entire line, paste to next row, and modify newly pasted text with name of new library to be added. 

Example: add B313new to the listing

i. Highlight row 913, and use Copy command 

ii. Create new blank row 914 and use Paste command

iii. Update information as needed to add new material library name

9. Save and close PCFinUI.XML file.

10. Close and restart PCF translator.

Note: If person making modifications to these files was meticulous and diligent, the new AutoPIPE Material Library will be filtered when selecting the correct Piping Code and Edition. And, if required the user prompted to select a new material available from material library. Review the NTL file generated by the translator to confirm selections

Example: New material XYZ-123 was added to a new user defined AutoPIPE Material library (B313new) to be used when Piping Code = ASME B31.3 and Edition = 2016

See Also

Is my piping code, material, and component supported in AutoPIPE's PCF translator?

PCF Translator FAQ & troubleshooting

Bentley AutoPIPE