09b. How to map PCF material to an AutoPIPE material?

Applies To    
Product(s): AutoPIPE  
Version(s): All  
Area: Import  
Original Author: Bentley Technical Support Group  
  Date Logged
& Current Version
Dec 2019


How to map PCF material to an AutoPIPE material?


PCF Translator reads material information from lines labeled ATTRIBUTE3 or ITEM-DESCTRIPTION (see image below). Then the specified *.MAP and UserMat.MAP files are internally reviewed by the program to identify if a specific material has an existing mapping from PCF material to AutoPIPE material.

Note: Both PCFIN.Map and UserMAT.MAP are stored in the same folder location, see file path on PCF translator dialog (image above).

If yes. the program correctly writes the correct AutoPIPE material information to the NTL file

If No, the program will check the following setting "Prompt User for Material Mapping" found on the PCF translator dialog.

If enabled, the program will prompt the user to select a mapping to an exiting AutoPIPE material. Materials available in this drop down listing are controlled / stored in the Matlist.MAP file. Names in this file match exactly to an existing AutoPIPE material library. All mapping choices made from a PCF material to an AutoPIPE material will be remembered and user will not be prompted to make this same selection again for an already defined mapping. These user defined mappings are stored in the UserMat.map file.

If disabled, and no match were found, the default material will be used. Default material (ex. A106-A) has index 0 in the *.MAP file selected on the PCF translator dialog. The default material can be changed manually in the *.MAP file or updated in seconds after the model has been imported into the program.

Again, if the imported PCF file does not have material information written to ATTRIBUTE3 or ITEM-DESCTRIPTION in the PCF file, the software will automatically map it to a default value. It will only take a few seconds to update material properties after opening the file in AutoPIPE. However, best to update the original model in the application that generated the PCF file with the correct material information to make mapping to AutoPIPE materials easier and exact:

Note: If person making modifications to these files was meticulous and diligent, the new AutoPIPE Material Library will be filtered when selecting the correct Piping Code and Edition. And, if required the user prompted to select a new material available from material library. Review the NTL file generated by the translator to confirm selections

Example: New material XYZ-123 was added to a new user defined AutoPIPE Material library (B313new) to be used when Piping Code = ASME B31.3 and Edition = 2016



See Also

Is my piping code, material, and component supported in AutoPIPE's PCF translator?

PCF Translator FAQ & troubleshooting

Bentley AutoPIPE