Q. Confirm - Code / Non-code combinations with unanalyzed load cases were found. in AutoPIPE reports

Applies To
Version(s):2004, XM, V8i, CONNECT;
Area: Message
Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group
Date Logged
& Current Version
Oct. 2015


The following confirm message was displayed in AutoPIPE:


Code combinations with unanalyzed load cases were found. The results
for these combinations will not be complete. To see additional details,
see the Analysis Summary report (Result/Output Report). Would you like
to deactivate all code combinations with unanalyzed load cases?
Yes No Cancel

Non-Code combinations with unanalyzed load cases were found. The results
for these combinations will not be complete. To see additional details,
see the Analysis Summary report (Result/Output Report). Would you like
to deactivate all non-code combinations with unanalyzed load cases?
Yes No Cancel



 As mentioned in the message, review the Results> Output report> Analysis Summary report in its entirety.

See example:

Some of the combinations have * or ** at the beginning, which is referring to the foot notes at the bottom of the page:

* indicates that the load case has not been analyzed

** indicates that the combination includes unanalyzed load case(s)
or combination(s) that include unanalyzed load case(s).

 Considering the example image above, note that Combination Description = Occasional is comprised of the following load cases: Sustained and R22 (see Case / Combination column from the report). Note that the R22 load case has a * at the start of the load case name. This is referring the reader that to the following foot note: "indicates that the load case has not been analyzed".

Therefore, go back into AutoPIPE and review the Static and Dynamic load set settings. Note that the indicated load cases (ex: R22, U21, and R12) have not been analyzed or been deleted from the model.


See the Analysis Summary report to determine which combinations and ultimately which load cases have not been analyze. Choose of of the following:

1. Adjust the Static or Dynamic Analysis set settings to include the offending load case(s) in the analysis.


2. Modify the combination to remove all analyzed load case(s) from analyzed combinations.

See Also

Confirm Messages displayed in AutoPIPE

Bentley AutoPIPE