04. Why are my Hydrotest results so high in AutoPIPE?

Applies To
Area: Analysis
Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group

Dec 2014, AutoPIPE V8i


Why are my Hydrotest results so high?


Typically a hydro test is run at ambient temperature. Be sure to check your Hydrotest load case configuration, see example below:

In this example, Test temperature is set to T1.

In some models, user set up a load case (i.e. T1) as their initial operating condition before the system is subjected to higher operating conditions. Regardless, review the Test Temperature Case that was specified on the dialog to be sure that temperature setting for all node points in the model are correct. Sometime, users have selected the wrong Temperature Load Case (ex. T4 instead of T2) on this dialog or that the Temperature is not uniform for the entire model (ex. node points L00 - M13 was set to 700 deg F instead of 70 deg F), all of which will cause wrong Hydrotest results.

Furthermore, be sure that the Factor is as expected and not set to a higher value then intended (default - 1.0).

In addition, regardless if you have a ambient temperature case or not, setting Test Temperature Case = None, will use the temperature from the General Model Options dialog. Confirm this setting to be correct:    


See Also


Bentley AutoPIPE