Please see the following AutoPIPE help section:
Help > Contents> Search Tab> enter "Save Defaults" (include the quotes), press List Topics button, double click on the selected topic from the list provided to see more information.
Maximum pipeline length that can be modeled | One can model any length of pipe so long as the coordinate limit has not been reached |
Node point Coordinate |
Yes there is a limit. On the Input grid's, point tab, Global X, Y, & Z values are limited to input 8-9 place values regardless of the value that can actually be entered (max =15 place value). As a general rule of thumb, suggest trying to restrict this field to about 8-9 values (example 1234.6789, or 123456.89). Another option, change the unit of measurement used for coordinate in the respective Unit input file (*.UNT) specified on Tools> Model Options> General> Unit Input. Instead of using Feet use yards, mile, furlong, etc.. |
Node point name |
As of Nov. 2019 using AutoPIPE, node point names are limited to 4 characters (A123 or 4321). With the one exception, when using Alphanumeric numbering elbows have an extra letter associated that is not counted. A123 N (Near) - A123 F (Far). If renumbering and the format exceeds 4 digits then the program will stop. Restart the program, select a different renumbering scheme or split the model into 2 models For more information on numbering, search AutoPIPE help: "Alphanumeric Combinations for Caesar Nodes 10000 and later"
Number of node Points |
As of Nov. 2019 using AutoPIPE, maximum number of node points in a model is 10,000. Total number of nodes includes all Pipe +Frame + all Soil nodes. See bottom of Extended Data sub report for total number of node points in the current open model: Ex. "Number of points in the system (Pipe + Frame + Soil): 998 + 0 + 8973 = 9971" Do not exceed this threshold or the program may stop. |
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