How To Convert SQL Databases to Access format for use with the OpenGround Importer


Users who have migrated over from previously used competitor software such as gINT or GeoDASY may find use of the OpenGround bulk import tool. In order for OpenGround to bulk import data from these applications, the database must be in Microsoft Access format. Therefore if you have a database that is in Microsoft SQL format, this will need to be converted to allow for OpenGround to read the data.


Below are the steps on how to complete this;

(Note that these steps are for Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 2014, steps in other versions may vary but should follow the same process)so note that Microsoft Access is required on the machine that is running this process.

1. Open Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio and login to the instance that contains the required database.

2. Right click on the database name in the list and select Tasks -> Export Data.

3. The SQL Server Import and Export Wizard will then appear, select Next.

4. Select SQL Server Native Client 11.0 in the drop down list at the top and ensure the server\instance name is correct with the required authentication, and that the correct database is listed as below;

5. Ensure that Microsoft Access (Microsoft Jet Database Engine) is selected from the top and select the browse button.

6. When the browse window appears, find a suitable place to store the new database, then right click anywhere in the open window and right click -> New -> Access Database.

7. Access will then open, ensure that the Type is listed as Microsoft Access Databases 2000 format (*.mdb) and click create. Close Access.

8. Once this has been created, select the new database, then select open.

9. Click on Next.

10. Select Copy data from one or more tables or views, then select Next.

11. Ensure that all of the tables of data that are to be exported are selected and select Next.

12. Click Next again.

13. Ensure that Run Immediately is checked and select Finish.

The database should then export and all of the data be available to OpenGround Cloud.