How To Change the Appearance of Shape Files


Once a shape file has been imported into the OpenGround Cloud Professional system it's appearance can be adjusted within the Mapping | Manage Datasets interface.


From the dialogue select the required shape file and click the Styles button:

Note that in this example the shape files have already been set to 'Include on Map' under the Edit button. This will display the shape files using a default style, this giving a grey appearance.

The Map Layer Styles screen has tabs for each of the elements which can be found in the shape file. The Areas tab will affect the appearance of the polygons themselves which can then also be presented with text Labels which relate to them. Tooltips present columns of data from the shape files on a fly-out box when the polygon is selected on the map.

To change the appearance of polygon review the settings under the Area label. Note that the Fill and the Outline of the shape can be manipulated independently. We recommend retaining the Fill Style as Solid as other patterns can slow down the performance of the map. Typically, the Fill Colour and Fill Opacity are adjusted to differentiate between shapes.

The Labels and Tooltips can be manipulated in a similar manner. In these cases, however, a column of data within the shape file is nominated using the Label Header drop down to specify the item of interest. This is then read and then presented on either the Label or Tooltip as appropriate.

Once the settings are saved and the map refreshed the Styling will now be reflected. Note that similar techniques can be applied to the presentation of Location Groups and Saved Searches (open a project and see Data | Manage | Location Groups or Data | Manage | Saved Searches as appropriate).

Hint: some shape files can be quite large in size and as such the loading of the mapping can start to slow down. Specifying the zoom scales at which shape files are presented can help with this, loading in the files at a scale at which they can usefully be read. This will usually be done at a general level (Mapping | Manage Datasets | Edit) although can be done under the Styles interface. The Styles interface might be used in this context to present the shape file differently according the zoom scale (e.g., the polygons might appear at one scale and then the labels appear only when zoomed in more closely).