25. What are the steps required to change the company's logo on a Stress Isometric drawing created b

Applies To
Area: Stress Isometric
Date Logged
& Current Version
Oct 2019


What are the steps required to change the company's logo on a Stress Isometric drawing created by AutoPIPE?


Updating company logo on a drawing requires updating the seed files used for creating AutoPIPE's stress isometrics.

There are 2 sets of seed files, these files are located in:

1. AutoPIPE's Installation folder

2. User's computer profile folder

The program uses the seed files from User's computer profile folder. This directory can be explored by using AutoPIPE's Tools->Settings->Preferences command. When the dialog appears press "Explore" button at the end of the “Program Data Path”, shown below:

When the Folder opens, navigate to this folder

 C:\ProgramData\Bentley\AutoPIPE CONNECT v12\isoextractor\BORDERS

The DGN folder contains seed files used in isometrics that contain context reports (selected by checking “Context data with drawing (Context)” option. When not using this option, seed files from “NOTABLE” directory are used.

Naming convention:

AutoPIPE provides a number of predefined border sizes to be used as specified in AutoPIPE's isometric dialog under “Settings> General Tab> Plot> Drawing Size" drop down listing.

Here the “Full data report file” is used when “All data on separate sheet” is selected in the “Plot” options.

Changing Logo on the isometrics file

Note: instructions were performed with AutoPIPE and OPIM

In this example we will modify the ANSI A isometrics file

Creating the isometrics for a sample walkthrud.dat model gives the old Bentley logo in bottom right corner of the drawing.

Zoom in:


Procedure to change company logo on a Stress Isometric drawing:

1. Start AutoPIPE

2. Select File> isometric> OpenPlant Isometric Manager. 

Note: must open OPIM with this command or by opening OPIM outside of AutoPIPE, may incur additional leasing fees. 

3. In OPIM, open border file to be modified (ex. ABORD.dgn).

4. With the file opened in OPIM, see the default Bentley Logo in the lower right corner:

Zoomed in view of Logo to be replaced

5. Using the mouse, hoover over the Bentley logo, the entire logo will be highlighted to Cyan color, at this point Left mouse click to select the logo

6. Press Delete button on the keyboard, the logo should now be deleted.

7. Locate file of new log to be used 

8. Open the logo in MS Paint.

9. With the logo now opened, select the entire image by using Home>Image> Select> "Select all" command or (Ctrl + A) and then press the Copy button or (Ctrl + C)

10. Go back into OPIM where the border file is opened, left mouse click anywhere in the model to make OPIM the active window and and press (Ctrl + V) to paste the new logo.

11. Use the quick grips at the edges of the image to resize and then mouse click and drag the image into position as needed


12. In OPIM, Save and Close the file.

13. Now generate an isometrics with ANSI A size border selected. Here we see the new logo in generated isometric file.

See Also

Customize AutoPIPE Stress Isometric drawings

Bentley AutoPIPE