"Hide If" expressions can be used to conditionally hide Headers during data collection.
Hide If expressions need to be written as Boolean (True/False) conditions. If the condition returns True, the Header will be hidden on the data collection Form.
"Hide If" expressions can contain a maximum of 3900 characters.
The following examples show expressions that can be used to hide the specified Headers under the given condition:
This expression will only show the Sample Diameter field if the Type is 'U':
Header: Sample Diameter
[Type] <>'U'
This expression will hide the Sample Depth Base field if the Type is 'U' or 'P':
Header: Sample Depth Base
in ([Type] ,'U', 'P')
This expression will hide the Sample Diameter until the Type has been entered:
Header: Sample Diameter
This expression will show the Sample Diameter if the Type is U, UF, TW, TWF, P PF or U/38. Note the use of NOT turns the expression from a “hide if” into a “show if”:
Header: Sample Diameter
not in([Type], 'U', 'UF', 'TW','TWF','P','PF','U/38')
This expression combines the last two examples. It shows the Sample Diameter if the Type is U, UF, TW, TWF, P PF or U/38 and doesn’t show the field if a Type has not been entered. Note: Make sure the isnull() condition is the first condition (known issue).
Header: Sample Diameter
isnull([Type]) or not in([Type], 'U', 'UF', 'TW','TWF','P','PF','U/38')