AutoPIPE Known issue - Defect 889026

Applies To
First Affected Version:9.4
 Found in Version:
Fixed and Released in Version:11.04.00.xx
 Area: All
 Severity: High
 Backlog Issue Number:889026

Problem Description

Program was using incorrect formula of Am2 in gasket seating bolt load (code required) calculation for flanges subjected to external pressure.

Gasket seating bolt load (Code required) for flanges subjected to external pressure = W= (Am2+Ab)*Sa/2
Am2 = Wm2/Sa (Div 1 section 2-3)
Program was incorrectly calculating Am2 = Wm2/Sb
Sa = allowable bolt stress at atmospheric temperature
Sb = allowable bolt stress at design temperature

This issue affects ASME section VIII Div1, Div2 and Appendix XI




Program should use allowable bolt stress at atmospheric temperature (Sa) in Am2 calculations for calculating gasket seating bolt load (code required) for flanges subjected to external pressure

See Also

Critical issues released in version

Bentley AutoPIPE