Forrtl: severe (104): incorrect POSITION= specifier value connected file, unit 101, file message in

Applies To
Area: Analysis
Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group
Date Logged
& Current Version
Dec. 2015


The following message appears when trying to analyze a model in AutoPIPE, why?

Forrtl: severe (104): incorrect POSITION= specifier value connected

file, unit 101, file

Image PC Routine, Line Source

Libifcoremd.dll 0D7091AA Unknown

Stack trace terminated abnormally


To date there has only been two reported occurrence that caused the above to appear. Confirm the following to be correct:

1. Check Modal analysis

Make sure that there is more than 1 mode of vibration, suggest using "Analyze up to Cutoff Frequency" option (by default = 33 hz).

2. Confirm Time History analysis

If performing a fluid transient,  do not enable "Ground motion" option. Instead display the Time History Analysis - Ground Motion dialog

3. Close program and delete the all folders starting that start with AP_ from the following location:


4. Confirm user has read / write privileges to the folder above. 

See Also

Visual Fortran run-time error messages

Bentley AutoPIPE