Unable to load/create dialog item of type 'IconCmd', id = 29 from dialog "MDGSHOOK"

 Applies To 
 Environment: N\A
 Area: Coordinate Systems
 Subarea: Geographic
 Original Author:Jeremy Pry, Bentley Technical Support Group


When going to Tools > Geographic, as soon as the cursor moves over the word "Geographic", a text window with the following error message pops up:

Unable to load/create dialog item of type 'IconCmd', id = 29 from dialog "MDGSHOOK"


At least one cause of this problem is that the MS_DGNAPPS variable has a custom setting. In the default configuration of MicroStation, MS_DGNAPPS is set at a system level to "GCSDialog".

Some people in configuring their workspaces have added their own definition for MS_DGNAPPS that uses the = sign instead of append (>) or prepend (>)

Find the setting for the MS_DGNAPPS variable, and chage it to use either the append or prepend definition, or remove it completely. This will ensure that the GCSDialog definition is also present in this variable, and the Geographic tools will be available without error.

See Also
