REFERENCE ATTACH key-in opens the Reference dialog

 Applies To 
 Environment: N\A
 Area: Reference
 Subarea: N\A
 Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group


REFERENCE ATTACH key-in opens the Reference dialog

When using the key-in to attach a reference the dialog is opened and the user needs to click OK to accept the options selected. Is there a way to close this dialog automatically or not to display it at all?

Product: MicroStation V8i
Area: Reference


To satisfy the requirements for the REFERENCE ATTACH key-in you will need to provide at the least the first five arguments for the key-in.

REFERENCE ATTACH [configuration_variable:]<(><<)>filename> [,model_name]
[,logical_name] [,description] [,view_name] [,scale] [,nesting] [,ON|OFF]

To attach a reference without the dialog being displayed the following key-in would

eg. REFERENCE ATTACH x:\designfile.dgn,default,<(>,<)>,*

The "*" at the end for the view name indicates a coincident or coincident world attachment depending on the value for MS_REF_DEFAULTSETTINGS.

If the key-in is missing required information, or any part is invalid, the dialog will still be displayed. If you need more control, you could create a VBA macro to handle the attachment.

See Also