01. How do I check AutoPIPE Stress ISO back into the license pool to not accumulate over usage charg

Applies To
Area: Licensing
Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group


How do I check AutoPIPE Stress ISO back into the license pool to not accumulate over usage charges?


When AutoPIPE first started, the "Welcome to AutoPIPE  Licensing" screen was displayed. At this point the user has the option to check the version of AutoPIPE (Standard, Advanced, Nuclear) and option to enable one or both of the add on licenses (i.e. KHK / StressIso.)

Each time AutoPIPE is closed it remembers these settings so that the next time the application is started it uses the same license options as before when it was closed. 


A. AutoPIPE application was closed down with Advanced checked ON, KHK was checked OFF, and StressIso was set to DEMO mode. When the application was re-started, it automatically has the same settings: Advanced checked ON, KHK checked OFF, and StressIso set to DEMO mode.

B. AutoPIPE application was closed down with Nuclear checked ON, KHK was checked ON, and StressIso Add-on was set ON. When the application was re-started, it automatically has the same settings: Nuclear checked ON, KHK checked ON, and StressIso Add-On set to ON.

As an avoidance to be sure of the license setting when using the application. Start AutoPIPE and immediately go to, 

AutoPIPE V8i 09.06.01.xx and higher: select File> License Configuration>

AutoPIPE V8i 09.06.00.xx and lower: select Tools> Settings> Edition>

See the bottom left corner of the dialog screen, enable "Show Welcome screen on Startup" checked ON; as seen below.


Therefore each time the application is started this license dialog screen will appear showing the user exactly what license options are in use. Set the options as needed per the work being performed.

Confirm License is Checked back In

To confirm that the user no longer has a license for AutoPIPE Stress ISO, choose one of the following:

Start by selecting within AutoPIPE: Tools> Settings> License > Management Tool>

1. AutoPIPE V8i 09.05.xx.xx and lower:

Choose the License Checkout tab, look in the lower window, it should be blank as shown below:

IF Stress Iso is visible in the lower window, select the license and press the Check In button to manually check the license back in. 

2. AutoPIPE V8i 09.06.xx.xx and higher:

With License Management Tool open, select Tools> View License Log> a new window will appear as shown below:


Look in the product Id column for 1566 (product code for AutoPIPE Stress ISO Add on). Scroll to the right on that row for information about usage in the Start / End time. 

If Product ID = 1566 is listed for the current time, Start AutoPIPE, select

AutoPIPE V8i 09.06.01.xx and higher: select File> License Configuration>

AutoPIPE V8i 09.06.00.xx and lower: select Tools> Settings> Edition>

on the "Welcome to AutoPIPE License" screen confirm that Stress Iso Demo is selected, press OK button, close the application and again open the "Welcome to AutoPIPE License" confirm that the Stress ISO Demo radio button is selected. 

Produt ID  Application Name
  1052  AutoPIPE
  1054  AutoPIPE Advanced
  1099  PlantFLOW
  1100  PlantFLOW Plus
  1103  WinNOZL API650
  1105  WinNOZL KHK
  1106  WinNOZL PD5500
  1107  WinNOZL WRC107
  1108  WinNOZL WRC297
  1566  AutoPIPE StressISO Add-on
  1899  AutoPIPE Nozzle
  2250  AutoPIPE Vessel
  2251  AutoPIPE Vessel Enterprise
  2252  AutoPIPE Vessel Code USA
  2253  AutoPIPE Vessel Code British
  2254  AutoPIPE Vessel Code French
  2255  AutoPIPE Vessel Code German
  2256  AutoPIPE Vessel Code Euro
  2257  AutoPIPE Vessel Code Russian
  1086*  Bentley PULS-100 node/1 compressor
  1087*  Bentley PULS-1000 node/9 compressor
  1088*  Bentley PULS-400 node/9 compressor
  1761*  AutoPIPE Nuclear
* Indicates that the application is not covered under an ELS agreement.


ONLY When Stress Iso Demo radio button is selected there will be no time charge registered by the user against their Select SERVER. 

See Also

Check in / Check out Issues

Bentley AutoPIPE