Q. How to Sign in with CONNECTION Client?

Applies To
Area: Licensing
Date Logged
& Current Version
Jan. 2019


How to Sign In with CONNECTION Client?


 With the advent of Subscription Entitlement Service, it will become necessary to SIGN into CONNECTION Client to gain access to the company's license pool. See the following methods for signing into CONNECTION Client

1: From with in AutoPIPE

2: From Window's Task-bar

3. From Window's Start Menu

Option #1: From Within AutoPIPE or AutoPIPE Vessel

1. Start AutoPIPE or AutoPIPE Vessel, select "Sign In" 

2. Sign into CONNECTION:Client

From AutoPIPE:


From AutoPIPE Vessel:

Note: If you cannot log into Bentley CONNECTION Client, perform the following:

a. New Users sign up for an account by pressing the hyperlink to New User? Register Now.

b. Confirm User name and Password entered are correct. All Bentley websites use the same credentials to Sign In. Press Forgot Password? as needed.

c. If the above fail, contact nearest Bentley office, and speak with an analyst about web related issues, including login and password

 1-800-BENTLEY (1-800-236-8539)

Outside the United States +1 610-458-5000

More local offices

Done, at this point you are Signed In.

Option #2: From Window's Task-bar

1. From your task bar, find the following ICON   


a. Hovering over the icon will show "CONNECTION Client" 

2. Click on the Icon and select OPEN option.

3. On the dialog, enter your Bentley credentials and press "Sign In" button

4. The dialog will then disappear if the information was accepted, otherwise a message would have appeared asking to enter a valid email address or password.

Done, at this point you are Signed In.

Option #3: From Window's Start Menu

1. Press the Window's Start button in the lower left corner of the screen, choose one method

a. Type "CONNECTION Client" into the search bar, and select "CONNECTION Client" from best match listing


b. Navigate to "CONNECTION Client" folder and select "CONNECTION Client" from listing   

2. On the dialog, enter your Bentley credentials and press "Sign In" button

3. The dialog will then disappear if the information was accepted, otherwise a message would have appeared asking to enter a valid email address or password.

Done, at this point you are Signed In.

See Also


Download CONNECTION Client

Technical Support

Bentley AutoPIPE