Attach Reference process very slow

 Applies To 
 Environment: N/A
 Area: Configuration
 Subarea: N/A
 Original Author:Conor King, Bentley Technical Support Group








Problem Description

When using the Attach Reference tool, it takes a long time for the Attach Reference Dialog to appear (up to 1 minute)


Workspace is stored on the company server and server has been changed/upgraded recently, since the change the Attach Reference tool performs slowly. It is possible the old server path is still being used and MicorStation is spending time looking for this path when it is not valid

Steps to Resolve

  1. Check the configuration files (.cfg, .ucf, .pcf) to ensure workspace configuration is correct
  2. To check the full Workspace, run an msdebug
  3. Open the debug file using a text editor
  4. Search the msdebug file for the old server path by using CTRL+F
  5. Remove or change any variable pointing to the old server path