Applies To | |||
Product(s): | MicroStation | ||
Version(s): | V8 XM Edition | ||
Environment: | N/A | ||
Area: | N/A | ||
Subarea: | N/A | ||
Original Author: | Bentley Technical Support Group | ||
This technical Document provides a description of the new variables in MicroStation V8 XM Edition.
CAPABILITY_ELEMENT_TRANSPARENCY - allow element transparencyto be set.
CAPABILITY_ELEMENT_PRIORITY - allow element priority to be set.
CAPABILITY_REFERENCE_TRANSPARENCY - Allow setting reference transparency.
CAPABILITY_REFERENCE_PRIORITY - Allow setting reference priority.
CAPABILITY_DGN_BLOCKS - All DGN files with 1 model get treated as blocks. (File name becomes model name)
CAPABILITY_ELEMENT_ASSOCIATION - Allow linear, mline and cell to be associated with elements.
CAPABILITY_ELEMENT_LOCK - Allow locking of elements.
CAPABILITY_LINESTYLE_SCALEWIDTH - For DWG, enforce that all line styles use true width.
CAPABILITY_LINESTYLES_CREATE_STDTXT- (On by default) create text style Standard when importing .LIN files.
CAPABILITY_LINESTYLE_CREATE_TEXTSTYLE - (Off by default) When importing from LIN files, create a necessary text style as copies of Standard.
CAPABILITY_ MODIFY_SELECTSERVER - Allow user to modify Select Server name and activation key.
CAPABILITY_MODEL_ANNOTATION_SCALE_LOCK - Allow use of model's annotation scale lock.
CAPABILITY_MULTILINE_LINESTYLEMODS - Allow line style modifiers for multi-lines.
CAPABILITY_MULTILINE_CAPSYMBOLOGY - Allow multi-line caps to use colors other than BySegment and styles, weights.
CAPABILITY_MULTILINE_WEIGHTS - Allow multi-line styles to use line weights.
CAPABILITY_ LEVELS_VIEWDISPLAY - Controls whether the level system will allow changes to the pre-view-display property of a level.
CAPABILITY_LEVELS_ PRIORITY - Controls whether the level system will allow changes to the priority property of a level.
CAPABILITY_LEVELS_TRANSPARENCY - Controls whether the level system will allow changes to the transparency property of a level.
CAPABILITY_LEVELS_ELEMENT_ACCESS - Controls whether the level system will allow changes to the level-lock property of a level.
CAPABILITY_LEVELS_MATERIAL - Controls whether the level system will allow changes to the material property of a level.
CAPABILITY_REFERENCE_LINESTYLESCALE - Allow user to select whether master and reference global line style scales apply.
CAPABILITY_LARGE_DESIGN_PLANE - Allow elements to extend beyond the (48x48) V7 design plane.
CAPABILITY_NOTE_ALL_FRAME_TYPES - Allow notes to have all of the text frame types.
CAPABILITY_DIMENSION_TOL_MARGINS - Allow dimension tolerance text to set left and lower margins.
CAPABILTY_NOTE_MANUAL_JUSTIFICATION - Allow note's text to have fixed left/center/right justification.
CAPABILITY_NOTE_FRAME_SCALE - Allow notes to have text frame scale.
CAPABILITY_DIMENSION_USE_MINLEADER - Always apply user minimum leader to fitting checks.
CAPABILITY_DIMENSION_TEXT_JUSTIFICATION - Allow text justification, (dwg only has "center > Right").
CAPABILITY_DIMENSION_WIDEFIT_TEXTABOVE - Text above dimension line has the same fitting space as text inline.
CAPABILITY_DIMENSION_INCLINED_FIT - Only depend on min. leader in fit check, do not check text size for inclined dimensions.
CAPABILITY_UNITS_DGNFORMAT - Only shows DGN units (mu,su,pu) and hide DWG units (Arch., Dec., etc.)
CAPABILITY_UNITS_DGNCOORDREADOUT - Display coordinates in DGN format (eg. 1:0 ¼ instead of 1' -0 ¼ ").
CAPABILITY_UNITS_SUB - Allow setting sub units.
CAPABILITY_UNITS_LABEL - Allow editing unit labels
CAPABILITY_UNITS_SCIENTIFIC_ACCURACY - Allow scientific accuracy (can't save to V7).
CAPABILITY_DGNLINK_MULTILINKS_PER_ELEMENT - Allow more then one link per element.
CAPABILITY_DGNLINK_NONDGN_REGIONLINKS - Allow word region, excel sheet, and bookmark links.
CAPABILITY_WORDPROC_FIELD_MODEL_PROPERTIES - Show model properties in field editor.
CAPABILITY_COLOR_SHOW_INDEXEDTAB- Show the index color tab on the color pickers.
CAPABILITY_COLOR_SHOW_TRUECOLORTAB - Show the true color tab on the color pickers.
CAPABILITY_COLOR_SHOW_BOOKTAB - Show the book color tab on the color picker.
CAPABILITY_COLOR_SHOW_GRADIENTTAB - Show the gradient color tab on the color picker.
CAPABILITY_UI_LOADFROMACTIVEFILE - Used if you want to display the custom tools, tasks, and menus from the open DGN file in addition to those in the DGN library - default is to only show DGN library items.
CAPABILITY_UI_IGNOREMENUSFROMRSCMODFILE - Ignore menus from rsc and mod (.m01) files - the default is to show the menus.
CAPABILITY_UI_IGNOREMENUSFROMDGNLIBS - Ignore menus from DGLIB files - the default is to show the menus.
CAPABILITY_DESIGN_HISTORY - Allow Design History to be used.
CAPABILITY_REF_SCALELINESTYLE - Allow change to linestyle scale toggle for reference attachments.
CAPABILITY_SCALE_AXIS_INDEP - Allow independent modification to scale in x, y and z directions.
CAPABILITY_BYCELL - Allows the use of ByCell for elements.
CAPABILITY_BYLEVEL - Allows the use of ByLevel for elements.
CAPABILITY_ELEMENT_CLASS - Allow user to set element class.
CAPABILITY_TEXT_PARENTTEXTSTYLES - Allows the Parent - Style - name row to be seen on the advanced tab. If disabled it is removed from the list.
CAPABILITY_FILE_PROTECT - Allows the use of File Protection tools.
CAPABILITY_LINESTYLE_SCALE_PER_MODEL - Allow setting global linestyle scale per model.
CAPABILITY_DIMENSION_WORKING_UNITS - Allow use of working units.
CAPABILITY_DIMENSION_TEXT_HEIGHT_SCALE - Allow text height and annotation scale overrides when text style has none zero text height.
CAPABILITY_MODEL_DISPLAY_SHEETLAYOUT - Allow change of sheet layout display.
CAPABILITY_MODEL_PLACE_AS_CELL - Allow model to be placed as cell.
CAPABILITY_MODEL_UNITS_IN_SHEET - Allow setting units in sheet models.
CAPABILITY_RASTER_PHOTOMATCH - Allow photomatch tool on rasters.
CAPABILITY_DIMENSION_FRACTION_SCALE - Allow stack fraction scale to differ from tolerance text size scale.
CAPABILITY_COLOR_MULTI_GRADIENT - Allow more than 2 colors in the gradient color picker.
CAPABILITY_COLOR_SHOW_BACKGROUND - Allow use of background color on element.
CAPABILITY_REFERENCE_SHEET_LOGICALNAME - Allow reference attachment logical name in sheet model.
CAPABILITY_REFERENCE_ALLOW_DXF - Allow attaching a DXF file as reference file.
CAPABILITY_DIGITAL_SIGNATURES - Allow the use of Digital Signature tools.
CAPABILITY_MATERIAL_ASSIGNBYLEVELCOLOR - Allows the material to be assigned a Bylevel color.
MS_RESOLVESCNAMECONFLICTS - Controls how shared cell name conflicts are handled for operations like reference merge:
0: no resolution, use shared cell definition from destination
1: resolve name conflicts on DWG shared cell instances (default)
2: resolve name conflicts for all non-anonymous shared cells
MS_COLORBOOK_LIBRARIES - List of DGN files that are used as a source for color books.
MS_SYSTEM_COLORBOOKS - Directory containing system color books (delivered with MicroStation).
MS_DATETIMEFORMATS - Provides the list of formats available from the Fields editor for Date/Time fields.
MS_BSILOG_CONFIG_FILE - Location of the file that controls and configures diagnostic logging. The default is $(MS_DATA)BSILOG.CONFIG.XML.
MS_BSILOG_ENABLE - Allows the logging of diagnostic messages.
MS_DESIGN_HISTORY_COMMIT_ON_MODEL_SWITCH - Specifies if switching the active model should commit recent changes to design history. Possible values:
2 - Quietly commit changes to design history without prompting the user and without a description,
1 - Prompt the user, offering the chance to commit changes to design history,
0 - Do not commit to design history or prompt the user.
The default is 0 (do not prompt or commit).
MS_DESIGN_HISTORY_COMMIT_DOC_PROPERTIES - Should design history track changes to document properties such as Title, Author, and Comment?
The default is 1 (include doc properties in history).
MS_DWG_FEETUNIT_AS_ARCHENG - If set, when a DGN file with Working Units set to Feet-Inches, Format set to Master Units and Units on the Save As DWG/DXF Options dialog box set to Master Units, the resulting DWG file has Engineering or Architectural units in AutoCAD. (If not set, the units are decimal or Fractional.)
MS_DWGSETTINGSFILE - File containing Settings for opening and saving DWG FILES.
MS_DWGSYSTEMDATA - Directory that can be used to override local directory as a source for DWG settings files.
MS_DWG_FIELD_2005FORMATTING- If defined and set to 1, MicroStation will only generate field information that AutoCAD 2005 supports. It may remove information used by newer file formats. If not defined or set to a value other than 1, MicroStation may generate fields that AutoCAD 2005 does not support.
MS_DWGSEED_OVERRIDE - Seed file used to override MS_DWGSEED or user selected DWG seed file.
MS_TRANSEED_OVERRIDE - Seed file used to override MS_TRANSEED or user selected DGN seed file for DWG open.
MS_VIEWTOOLBOX3D - The name of the ToolBox displayed in a View window when the model is 3D. The default is set in gui.cfg.
MS_VIEWTOOLBOX2D - The name of the ToolBox displayed in a View window when the model is 2D. The default is set in gui.cfg.
MS_MAINTOOLBOX - The name of the ToolBox used when the focus is set to Home. ‘Esc' key is used to reset to the Home position. The default ‘Main' is set in gui.cfg.
MS_ICONLIBRARYLIST - The list of paths searched when looking for icons in *.dll files. The default is set in gui.cfg.
MS_ICONRSCLIST - The list of paths searched when looking for icons in *.rsc files. The default is set in gui.cfg.
MS_ICONPATH - The list of paths searched when looking for icons in *.ico files. The default is set in gui.cfg.
MS_MINIDUMPTYPE - Sets the amount of binary dump in the minidump file.
4 Typical
5 more
7 gigantic
MS_DOCKINGPREF - The full path of the *.docking.xml file used to store dialog docking information. This file is usually in the same directory as the *.upf file.
MS_ GUIDGNLIBLIST- searched when looking for dgnlib-based icons. The default is set in gui.cfg.
MS_MONITOR_USER_PREFS - When set to 1 allows the monitoring of preference files for faulty MDL applications.
Note: this variable is not available by default. Variable must be created
MS_COMPRESS_USER_PREFS - When set to 1 will compress the preference file to a more manageable file size.
Note: this variable is not available by default. Variable must be created.
MS_GUITASKTREEROOT- Defines which tasks are available in the Task Navigation tool box.
MS_SNAPMODE_SOURCE- Where to read default snap mode and multi-snaps settings from. Possible values are 0 for the current dgn file or 1 for the userprefs file. The default is 0.
MS_SOURCENAME_PROPERTY- When new files are created, the SOURCE file property (as viewed from Windows Explorer) can be set to the name of the source file (e.g. the seed file).By default, just the name and extension of the source file are saved.Set this variable to 0 to disable the SOURCE property. Set this variable to FULL to save the full file path of the source file.
MS_SIGNATURE_DISPLAY_UNVERIFIED - Controls how an unverified digital signature is crossed out. The value is color weight style strikeout where:
color a number, specifying menu color identifier number
weight a number, specifying the lineweight of the annotation
style a number, specifying the style
strikeout how to strike out the signature:
X draw an X over the signature
- draw a line through the middle of the signature
The default is a heavy, solid red X over the signature: 4 7 0 X
To draw a heavy, solid blue line through the signature: 1 7 0 -
MS_SIGNATURE_SHOW_FULL_NAME - If set, MicroStation displays the full subject and issuer names from the signer's certificate in the element info balloon for a digital signature element.
MS_LEVEL_DISPLAY_FORMAT- Specifies the level name formatting to use when level list are displayed.
N: Use level name
D: Use level decription
C: Use level code
More than one value can be specified. Example N{C}
Default value: N
MS_LEVEL_ALLOW_LIBRARY_LEVEL_EDIT - Allows the ability to edit library level even when it is not yet used in master-file. If not set, then a library level can be edited only when if it is used - i.e. an element is placed on it - which causes the library level to be copied into the master-file. If set then a library level that is not yet copied into the master file can be edited. On editing, the library level will be copied into the master-file.
MS_LEVEL_USE_ASCII_NAME_SORT - When set, it will cause Level Manager and Level Display to sort names according to ASCII order.
Without it set
Level 1
Level 2
Level 10
With it set
Level 1
Level 10
Level 2
MS_LEVEL_PICKER_WIDTH - used to set the width (number of characters) of attributes toolbar active level picker.
MS_LEGACYDRAWORDER - For 3D wireframe views use draw order based on element file position.
MS_BUTTONMENU - Button menu file.
MS_PLT_ABBREVIATE_BORDER_FILENAME - By default, filenames included in the plot border text are abbreviated. If set to '0', the filenames are not abbreviated.
MS_PLT_SET_LAYOUT_FROM_SHEET - is set to '0', the print dialog layout is not automatically set when a sheet definition is loaded (and the current print mode is sheet). By default, the sheet layout information is honored.
By default, any plot style table specified in the sheet definition is automatically attached to the plot.
MS_PLT_SET_PLOT_STYLE_TABLE_FROM_SHEET - is set to 0, sheet plot style tables are ignored.
MS_PLT_FORM_SCALE_PRIORITY - If set to '1', the default form scale specified in the .plt file is re-applied whenever the paper size changes. By default, the current print scale is preserved.
MS_PLT_SET_PRINTER_FROM_SHEET - If set to '1', the default print dialog printer is taken from the active sheet definition (if present).
MS_BATCHPRINT_ADD_ONLY_DESIGN_MODELS - If set to '1', Batch Print will only add design models to the job set when a design file is added. The default is '0'.
MS_BATCHPRINT_ADD_ONLY_SHEET_MODELS - is set to '1', Batch Print will only add sheet models to the job set when a design file is added. The default is '0'.
MS_BATCHPRINT_NO_READONLY - is set to '1', Batch Print will not open design files in read-only mode. This may be necessary for some workflows. By default, Batch Print opens all files in read-only mode to prevent any inadvertent modification.
MS_PLTDLG_ALLOW_FORM_SIZE_EDIT - is set to '1', the size of the selected form may be modified via the print dialog. This setting is not valid for system printers.
If MS_PLTDLG_SHOW_ACCURATE_PREVIEW_ROTATION - is set to '0', preview always shows the plot as if it had no rotation. The paper orientation display may be swapped to accomplish this. This setting is only meaningful for Bentley printer drivers when the plot rotation is 90 or 270 degrees.
MS_PLT_SET_UNITS_FROM_SHEET - is set to '0', the print dialog units are not automatically set from the sheet definition when the current print mode is sheet.
MS_PLTDLG_TRANSPARENCYOVERRIDE - can be used to set the print dialog's transparency print attribute automatically to a value other than the one obtained from the view. The override is applied whenever print dialog settings are obtained from the view.
The following values are honored:
'0': transparency override is set; the print transparency attribute is turned off regardless of the view setting.
'1': transparency override is set; the print transparency attribute is turned on regardless of the view setting.
'VIEW': transparency override is not set; the print transparency attribute is obtained from the view setting.
'PENTABLE': transparency override is conditionally set; the print transparency attribute is turned on if a pen table is attached that contains output transparency specifications. Otherwise, the attribute setting is obtained from the view. This is the default value when the variable is not defined.
MS_PENTABLE_SEARCH_LEVEL_LIBRARIES - is set to 0, level libraries are not included when searching for level names defined in the pen table. By default, level libraries are included, which may cause a delay when loading the pen table.
By default, rendered views are plotted using the printer-driver-defined background color.
MS_PLT_USE_VIEW_BACKGROUND_COLOR_FOR_RENDER - is set to '1', the print engine does not change the background color for the plot when rendering.
MS_PLT_USE_HARDWARE_PHONG - is set to '1', the print engine uses the graphics card to render Phong view modes and reference presentation states. Otherwise, the MicroStation software renderer is used. The default is to use the software renderer, which generally results in higher quality output (including shadows).
MS_PLT_APPLY_COLOR_MODE_TO_RASTER - is set to '0', the print engine does not apply the color mode specified in the plot description to raster data. The default is '1'.
MS_ADDINPATH - Search path for managed AddIn assemblies that are deployed outside of MicroStation's application base or configured privatePath.
MS_ADDIN_DEPENDENCYPATH - Search path for managed assemblies that are used by AddIns and which are deployed outside of MicroStation's application base or configured privatePath. Directories should not normally be listed both here and in MS_ADDINPATH.
MS_LINFILELIST - Directory containing LIN linestyle files. These styles will be copied into the DGN file as needed.
MS_PROTECTION_V8_COMPATIBILITY - Set to 1 if you want MicroStation to protect files and create licenses in a way that V8.1 and V8 2004 Edition can open.
Set to 0 if you want MicroStation to use stronger encryption, producing protected files that V8.1 and V8 2004 Edition cannot open.
The default is 0 (do not limit encryption strength).
MS_ALWAYSRELATIVEREFPATH - When set MicroStation always turns on the Save Relative Path toggle and disables it so users can't turn it off. It will save relative paths whenever possible.
MS_RASTER_DISABLE_IPPCONNECTION - If absent, the default socket server port 1924 is used. If defined, the socket port 1924 is ignored.
MS_RASTER_VIEWSAVEASDWG - When exporting to DWG allows the user to control whether or not the raster will be visible, according to the values below.
The raster will be visible in DWG if:
Undefined or set to 0: the raster is displayed in View 1.
Set from 1 to 8: the raster is displayed in the specified View.
Set to 9: the raster is displayed in at least one View.
Set to 10: the raster is displayed in all the Views.
MS_RASTER_SAVEAUTO - Enables Raster Manager Automatic Save mode when closing a DGN or detaching a raster.
If undefined or set to 0, SaveAuto is disabled.
If set to 1, SaveAuto is enabled and the user will not be prompted to update the raster for changes made to the location info of the file.
MS_RASTER_NOSHARING - Manages the automatic creation of .sharing.tmp files required for the concurrent access of the same raster file by various instances of the MicroStation application.
If undefined or set to 0, .sharing.tmp files are always generated.
If set to 1, .sharing.tmp file generation is disabled.
MS_RASTER_NO_DETACH_CONFIRM - If defined and set to 0, display an alert dialog asking to confirm the raster detachment(s).
If undefined or set to 1, do not display an alert dialog asking to confirm the raster detachment(s).
MS_RASTER_EPSGTABLE_PATH - Enables GeoTIFF positioning using the location parameters found in ASCII files provided on request.
The required ASCII files are:
If undefined or set to 0, hard coded tables are used for GeoTIFF positioning.
If set to 1, ASCII files are used for GeoTIFF positioning.
MS_RASTER_DEFAULTSISTER - If set to 0 or 1, the default sister file will be HGR.
If set to 2, the default sister file will be WorldFile.
MS_RASTER_1BIT_WORKMODE - If defined and set to 1, harmonizes monochrome raster display so they are handled like Raster Reference attachments.
Raster Reference was the default module provided with MicroStation/J that handled raster display, previous to Raster Manager for MicroStation v8.
MS_LOCAL_MATERIALS - If set to 1, rendering materials and their associated assignment tables are copied into the design file rather than using external files. Local material support is new in MicroStation XM and is not supported by earlier versions
MS_DWGSEED_OVERRIDE - Seed file used to override MS_DWGSEED or user selected DWG seed file.
MS_TRANSEED_OVERRIDE - Seed file used to override MS_TRANSEED or user selected DGN seed file for DWG open.
(New Category)
MS_SHARED_FILES_COMMIT_ON_SAVE - Specifies if the File>Save (^S) command should commit changes to shared file. Possible values:
2 - Save command should quietly commit changes to the shared file without prompting the user and without a description.
1 - Save command should prompt the user, offering the chance to commit changes to the shared file with a description.
0 - Save command should save changes in temporary local file but should not commit to the shared file or prompt the user.
The default is 0.
MS_SHARED_FILES_COMMIT_ON_CLOSE - Specifies if changes should be committed to shared file before closing the file. Possible values:
2 - Close command should quietly commit changes to the shared file without prompting the user and without a description.
1 - Close command should prompt the user, offering the chance to commit changes to the shared file with a description.
0 - Close command may save changes in temporary local file but should not commit changes to the shared file and should not prompt the user.
The default is 0.
MS_NO_VIEW_ANIMATION - When turned on, the animation of view tile and cascade is disabled.