Q. How to Activate Products using BLT (Bentley Licensing Tool)?


After Opening BLT, select Tools> Refresh policy

In a moment, the Bentley Activation Wizard will appear.


Press Next:

Press Close button

See that the Access column has Allowed for each of the applications that your company appointed Bentley On-Site Admin has given you Entitlement to use. 

Access: This field shows whether the product is permitted. A number of values may appear here:

AllowedThe product is permitted and is activated.None, the product is licensed and ready to be used
TrialThe product is not permitted, but a trial period is available.

All Bentley Application have a Trial period to use the software in a limited capacity for a short period of time. After the Trial period is over the setting will be changed to Denied.

Users must then contact their company appointed Bentley On-Site Admin to request Entitlement to use a specific Bentley program. Only the Bentley On-site admin has the power to grant Entitlement, Bentley cannot make these decisions or change these settings. 

DeniedThe product is not permitted and will either open with limited functionality or not at all.Users must then contact their company appointed Bentley On-Site Admin to request Entitlement to use a specific Bentley program. Only the Bentley On-site admin has the power to grant Entitlement, Bentley cannot make these decisions or change these settings.
OfflineThe product is permitted but is not signed in.Users must sign into Bentley CONNECTION Client

Done!!!, open your Bentley Application and update any Licensing Configurations within the application (ex. AutoPIPE

See Also

BLT (Bentley Licensing Tool) Messages


Bentley AutoPIPE