Crashed When starting AutoPIPE program

Applies To
Area: Crashed
Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group


When starting the application, AutoPIPE crashed displaying the following:

"Bentley AutoPIPE Application has stopped working..."

How to avoid or fix it?


Possible Solution #1:

Make the splash screen reappear and select the "Show problem details" drop-down as shown below:



Was the problem related to MSXMLCPP.DLL (as shown above), upon further investigation  "mfccpxm.dll" may be seen?

If yes, confirm version of MS Windows, has it been updated with MSXML 4.0 Service Pack 2 (SP2)? If not, removed old dll from win64 folder and re-installed the latest version of msxml sp4 sp2. Restart the computer and try to start AutoPIPE.

See Also

Bentley AutoPIPE has crashed

Bentley AutoPIPE