03.a. How to License AutoPIPE Nozzle

Applies To
Product(s):AutoPIPE Nozzle - WinNOZL
Area: license
Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group


How to license AutoPIPE Nozzle


AutoPIPE Nozzle and higher - See WIKI here

AutoPIPE Nozzle 08.11.07.xx - See the attached file

WinNOZL and lower:

This version would have been license in 1 of 2 ways:

1. Using the Rebis Security Manager which could manage a old HASP hardware lock.

2. Using a serial number which a license file could be issued and recognized by the license manager

Both of these options have been deprecated and are no longer supported. Only option for Users with this version of the program would be to upgrade to AutoPIPE Nozzle which now use a License Management Tool with a Hosted / Deployed server to maintain licenses.

See Also

Table Of Contents

Bentley AutoPIPE