Q. Equation 10, hand calculations are 2 times AutoPIPE reported values, why?

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Area: Calculations
Date Logged
& Current Version
March 2019


Hand calculated ASME Section III, Div.1 Class 1 NB-3653.1 Equation 10 result considering only seismic inertia and earthquake anchor movements is exactly one half the value calculated by AutoPIPE. why?


As shown in AutoPIPE help, code compliance calculations:

The Range of resultant moments from seismic anchor movement loading and seismic inertia loading should be defined as 2 x sqrt (Mix^2+Miy^2+Miz^2), found  that hand calculations did not include this 2x multiplier. Thus the hand calculated value was 2x smaller than AutoPIPE reported value. 

The factor of 2 shown in help documentation is due to description of 'Mi' in ASME-III-1-NB-3653.1 which states that for load combinations that include reversing dynamic loads only, the full range of the reversing dynamic loads are to be used (versus half-range or 'amplitude' when all loads (static and dynamic) are considered). 

See Also

Bentley AutoPIPE