03. Can you please explain what is zero moment and its involvement in ASME ND equation 10 code stre

Applies To
Version(s):2004, XM, V8i 
Area: Analsyis
Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group
Date Logged
& Current Version
Jan 2015


In ASME ND equation 10 code stress combination for thermal case . Autopipe combines zero moment case. I could not get more detail or explanation of zero moment case from Autopipe work book. Can you please explain what is zero moment case and which code clause states this requirement to be included in the stress calculation?


For Equation 10 in the Stress Summary dialog, the zero option indicates the inclusion of a zero moment option corresponding to zero pressure, zero moment and room temperature.

It represents the cold condition (i.e. the starting point for stress ranging). It is included for convenience where a specific cold  condition load case has not been created. 

See Also

ASME BPV-III-1-ND, AutoPIPE Nuclear Piping Code FAQ

Bentley AutoPIPE