06. Why does the calculated allowable for "ASME ND (2007) PRE-VERIFICATION STRESS REPORT", Eq 8, L

Applies To
Version(s):2004, XM, V8i 
Area: analysis
Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group
Date Logged
& Current Version
Jan 2015


Why does the calculated allowable = 29802 psi for "ASME ND (2007)  PRE-VERIFICATION STRESS REPORT", Eq 8, Load case = GR, not match the hand calculated value of 30000 psi

Note: hand calculated value = 1.5 x Sh = 1.5 x 20000 psi (from Press/Temp/PipeID tab of the input grid) = 30000 psi.


Open the model.

As stated in the online help under the following section:

Help > Contents> Contents Tab> Reference Information> Code Compliance Calculations> ASME BPV-III-1-ND (1972 - 2007)> Design Condition

Also stated per code section ND-3652: Consideration of Design Conditions:

Now find the indicated node point (ex. 130) on the "Design Press / Temp" Tab of the input grids, as shown below:

Sh = 19868 psi. 

Allowable = 1.5 x Sh = 1.5 x 19868 psi = 29802 psi (Matches Output report above)

Note: there is no link between these 2 tabs ("Press/Temp/PipeID" and "Design Press/Temp"). The data on both tabs must be manually entered or modified. Example, when creating a new model:

a. General model options

b. Segment start data with pipe property Id name

c. Pipe properties data for the new PipeID

d. Operation Pressure & Temp Data

e. A screen automatically appears asking the user to enter in the Design Press & Temp information.

Or this data can be modified later with 2 different methods:

1. On the "Design Press/Temp" tab of the input grids

2. Modify> Design Pressure & Temperature menu command.

See Also

ASME BPV-III-1-ND, AutoPIPE Nuclear Piping Code FAQ

Bentley AutoPIPE