Q. Where should Non-repeated Anchor Movement (e.g. Building Settlement) be accounted for if not in A

Applies To
Area: Modeling
Date Logged
& Current Version
May 2019


Where should Non-repeated Anchor Movement (e.g. Building Settlement) be accounted for if not in AutoPIPE's results for Equation 10a as indicated in ASME ND? 


AutoPIPE prints Equation 10a and 11a in the report for pre-verification only. Other applications like ADL PIPE did not have 10a (Supp Move category) in the stress summary

Below is the section in the online help which highlights this 10a now 10b limitation

It may not be explicitly possible to achieve accounting and defining NRAM in stress summary at the moment Only suggestion would be to insert an imposed support displacement on a user case. Go to code combinations, and create a new combination by filling the fields as shown below:

Combination method = Sum

Category: Nonrepeated Support Movement

You would be able to see the results for that combination under pre-verification stress report. You shall also be able to define user allowable for eq. 10b as is the case with all other equations.

Question: Could you please provide an example, how to define building settlement and where to put it in Stress Summary?

Answer: Example for inserting Building Settlement for pre-verification stress report is mentioned above. For stress summary report, this option is not yet available. An enhancement may be logged to be able to account for that in the future releases. Currently it seems that the results for equation 10a (10b for 2007 and later) would be reported as zero.

See Also

Bentley AutoPIPE