"Ring components are not permitted in HDPE pipe system as per CC N-755-1"...message appears in AutoP

Applies To
Date Logged
& Current Version
April 2019


The following appears in AutoPIPE when insert a Ring in a model with non-metallic piping:

Bentley AutoPIPE
Ring components are not permitted in HDPE pipe system as per CC N-755-1

Why and How to resolve?


When trying to insert a large diameter bend AutoPIPE has a convenient command called "Add Ring". However when using a non-metallic material PIPEID with HDPE Material checked ON, the code / program does not allow the user to insert a Ring, as mentioned above

How to get around this issue to use the ring command to insert a large radius bend?

Use the procedure below:

1. Change to an exiting PIPEID  or Insert a new Pipe Property that has metallic Pipe Material and HDPE Material column is Not checked (ex. PIPEID = Metal, shown above).

Note: In order to  change the current point to another material, open the Input grids, select the Press/Temp/PipeID tab, A. change the Pipe ID column of the current node point from Plastic PIpeID to a B. PipeID with Metallic material properties

2. On the Insert Ribbon, select Ring (Insert > Piping Components > Ring). Enter data as needed on the Wizard dialogs. 

Example: insert a 10 ft radius bend that is located on the plane defined by the X-axis & Z-axis. Bend will extend 90 deg, with bend TIP every 15 deg.

Press Finish to create the Ring

3. Using the same technique above, change the pipe ID of what should be non-metallic piping to the appropriate selection (ex. Metal to Plastic):

4. Done...

See Also

"Bentley AutoPIPE" Messages

Bentley AutoPIPE