"W88-24: Allowable based on cold yield Sy may be un-conservative" Bentley AutoPIPE message is displa

Applies To
Area: Message
Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group
Date Logged
& Current Version
Aug. 2015


After selecting any option from the Test Temperature Case on the Hydrotest Drop down listing, the following warning is displayed: 

Bentley AutoPIPE
W88-24: Allowable based on cold yield Sy may be un-conservative

Why and How to avoid it?


Please open Hydrotest load dialog:

Press the Help button and select the hyperlink for "Temperature load case/ Factor" . Details of this message are mentioned there.

Essentially the user should evaluate the Temperature load case selected to be sure if the calculated results are to be conservative or un-conservative. 

See Also

"Hydrotest" - AutoPIPE Load Case

"Bentley AutoPIPE" Messages

Bentley AutoPIPE